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MCCartney opening the Olympics

Forums Life Sports & Exercise MCCartney opening the Olympics

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  • I can honestly say, I didn’t watch one minute of coverage of the Olympics. National teams? Why not teams based on average height, or number of teeth missing, or number of brothers and sisters who died of malnutrition or some other completely irrelevant co-incidence of origin?

    I don’t begrudge sports people their quest for competition, rivalry and sponsorship deals, but it’s got diddly squat to do with my world.

    I enjoyed the closing ceremony just because they have Erik Idle and the spice girls on it hahaha

    @Pat McDonald 491430 wrote:

    I can honestly say, I didn’t watch one minute of coverage of the Olympics. National teams? Why not teams based on average height, or number of teeth missing, or number of brothers and sisters who died of malnutrition or some other completely irrelevant co-incidence of origin?

    East Anglian folk could then win loads more medals. They did build some metal parts for either the torch or cauldron in the area (possibly at Thetford) – annoyingly it is currently impossible to find this news article which is a great shame as its the sort of good thing which gets overlooked amongst the more glamourous stuff.

    More glamorous like mylie cyruses new hair cut….like omg l!!!






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Forums Life Sports & Exercise MCCartney opening the Olympics