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(Mephedrone) Tollerance…

Forums Drugs Research Chemicals (Mephedrone) Tollerance…

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  • Howdy doo di all. Just wanted to see what other peoples experiences
    Have been with amphetamines, namely mephedrone. Now i remember
    When 1-2g would have the same effect as introducing a packet of mentos
    To a party size cola bottle. However, as I type I am currently
    Riding the burning embers of a 14hr binge with everu subsequent bump
    Being as useful as a hammer made of bath sponge.

    question is…. having used drone for the past 12 months, and now staring
    Down at the remnants of a half oz which has been entirely consumed
    by yours truly is:

    1. My party talc a little suspect??


    2. My tollerance is so high that i simply cant get the same
    euphoria from any dose intil I take wee timeout??

    11g ish seems a little excessive even for a fiendish dyson like

    Any thoughts appreciated. Cheers folks

    mephedrone is a cathinone rather than amfetamine [although both are stimulants]. Tolerance to this stuff arrives much quicker than with old style amfetamines or MDMA. It is best at this point to cut down as it starts getting unpleasant from then on.

    @General Lighting 975709 wrote:

    mephedrone is a cathinone rather than amfetamine [although both are stimulants]. Tolerance to this stuff arrives much quicker than with old style amfetamines or MDMA. It is best at this point to cut down as it starts getting unpleasant from then on.

    I feel like it “loses the magic” even quicker than MDMA for me personally; this guy’s story of going through a half ounce is essentially one sitting is ridiculous, on par with a person going through 2 or so grams of MDMA in one sitting. Whilst good old amphetamine doesn’t see this exponential rise in tolerance.

    @Digital Buddha 975711 wrote:

    I feel like it “loses the magic” even quicker than MDMA for me personally; this guy’s story of going through a half ounce is essentially one sitting is ridiculous, on par with a person going through 2 or so grams of MDMA in one sitting. Whilst good old amphetamine doesn’t see this exponential rise in tolerance.

    precisely what I experienced – you do get some functional stimulation and mood boost afterwards (IMO more suited for hedonistic weekend activities like MDMA rather than for anything creative but demanding a bit more brainpower) but the crash/comedown/paranoia gets even worse and there were unpleasant physical side effects as well – I wouldn’t want it today even if it were legal and being handed out to me for free.

    I guess I’d take a little if they were giving it out for free, really great party drug if you only are going to party like 3 or 4 times on it and then never touch it again.

    Yeah didn’t make my brain feel much better than normal, at least not compared to classical amfetamines.






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Forums Drugs Research Chemicals (Mephedrone) Tollerance…