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messed up AGAIN

Forums Drugs Alcohol messed up AGAIN

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  • Maaaan I’m tired of taking steps forward and stumbling two back.

    I just drank with benzos again for the third night in a row

    after telling myself each time I wont drink so long as i have this medication


    I read in a thread yesterday that you’re an alcoholic. Do you have a benzo addiction too, if not that is just plain stupid.

    Its not an addiction to benzos, its a prescription for anxiety caused by my alcoholism in the past.
    I know, I keep fuckin’ up man

    Just get back on the horse innit.
    Find yourself a new healthy addiction to take up your time and distract you. Excerising or something?

    Just try to do either one or the other. Stick to the benzos and just don’t buy any booze (I know it’s easier said than done) or send the benzos to me and get sloppy drunk.

    Failing that, come round mine and we’ll drink and do benzos.

    wish I had quit when I was ahead a year ago.

    It really is down to power of the mind and determination. If you really want to quit you will find a way to do so. Which will be more painful; a few days or weeks of withdrawal whilst you quit or liver failure if you continue to drink?

    Alcohol has never really appealed to me but I have endured psychological addiction to MDMA. During my addiction I was consuming it everyday, and a lot of it, for 6 months. I convinced myself I had everything under control because I was able to fund my addiction legitimately and hold down my job. Realistically though I was destroying myself both physically and mentally. I didn’t listen to my family and the friends that cared telling me I was taking it too far. I discovered this myself after realising I’d blown nearly 5k on mdma alone during that time, I was also smoking a lot of weed and drinking a fair bit too. I basically pissed away my savings during that stupid period of my life and now I’m struggling to get by.

    Thankfully I met a wonderful woman who stuck by me and helped break the cycle, she was the motivation I needed because I was never going to do it for myself. That was 4 years ago and I’m still happily with the same woman, although my mental health never made a full recovery, and I seriously doubt if it ever will.

    Have you got anyone in your life that means a lot to you? Sometimes you have to think of those around you rather than yourself to see the true extent of the damage you are causing.

    Also it doesn’t necessarily mean you can never drink again. After breaking my addiction I am now able to use MDMA responsibly and recreationally again.

    @Izbeckistan 551451 wrote:

    Just get back on the horse innit.
    Find yourself a new healthy addiction to take up your time and distract you. Excerising or something?

    This is the key to salvation. Hobbies are hard to stick too at first but you will make it. Try and think more of the outcome and good things to come. 😀






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Forums Drugs Alcohol messed up AGAIN