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Forums Drugs Trip Reports MPA VAPED

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  • I swear it’s sooo much more efficient and ‘speedy’ and less euphoric somehow.. have soo little leftt such a pity should have done this method before!!

    I also find it takes a few minutes to kick in… Sholud it not be instanted when vaped??

    Text looks small and so clear yet I feel a awesomely mind rush 😀


    Doneee wooooo

    It’s a pity I kinda had weed/haze covering up most of the experience but oh well.
    ???/85 blood pressure and 126 pulse not bad at all

    Must have drank like 1-2litres jesus

    Still feeling it wooo! Making some technooo!!

    Wooo still feeling it!!!

    If anyones intrested: 10 minutes for it to kick in (insufflated). Amount: I’d say 100-200mg possibly? Lasted around 4 hours very nice!!! Very smooth come down 😀
    As it was coming up smoked some ‘haze??’ and fuck me was it intense in the beginnig, they say they’re allot stronger than weed I’d say yes, although possibly mpa added to that but it didn’t feel like it!!!!
    Couldn’t string decent sentence together at first. Thougt I might have spolied my night but switched on some music and all was banging, took 20 minutes or so for it to ‘cool down’!

    Was reunineted with all my old weed effects I use to experience! Was amazing, perhaps a bit uncomfortable/unpleasent at first… 😀 got proper visuals on my wall!

    And if anyone is intrested in that techno I made (why else would you be reading this?): Acid Techno by AquaPocket on SoundCloud – Create, record and share your sounds for free
    I got really jealous of logan’s acid song he made.. So boom! Sounds pretty decent. Not really good at techno/acidtechno though.

    7:33 still feel pretty and in such a happy mood 😀

    Smoking things doesn’t always make it hit you instantly. Smoking aMT can take up to an hour coming on apparently for example.

    I havnt done MPA for months and don’t really plan on doing so. Isn’t really my kind of drug. Glad ya havin a good time though. How addictive is MPA smoked though? I would have thought it would be pretty catty because it being a methamphetamine derivative.

    Interesting perhaps it get’s metabolized into something else?

    Smoking it lacks intensity/rush for me, and seems so much more ‘speedier’. Perhaps I’m not doing it right though errrr.

    i got Bat who used to use this forum to smoke MPA hahahaha i’m sure you know who i mean. i only smoked it and ended up selling a 300mg free sample for over 30 quid to a bunch of tweakers who found it amazing.






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Forums Drugs Trip Reports MPA VAPED