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Forums Life Computers, Gadgets & Technology Social Media New social network "mastodon"

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  • Getting a lot of articles in the tech press, genuinely open source “twitter” type system without ads/data tracking and currently with more users than I’d expected and less fools!

    Sign up with one of these :

    The main one is overloaded and not accepting more users but just pick one that is multi user and near to your country. Use the “federated timeline” to see the “toots” (which is what they call “tweets” from people on other servers).

    You get 500 characters and can also add multiple pictures – its a lot like Usenet with a better UI and before the idiots took it over!

    Cool I’ll have to check that out…..

    Especially as I had to cancel my usenet account fo0r the time being L(

    I’ve spent much of the last 3 days on there – its really good although in comparison to Twitter very “right on” and tech focused, with the politicians, preachers and marketing lot all strongly discouraged.

    hard to describe what it is like; maybe a combination of 1980s era viewdata/BBS culture mixed in with the web 2,0 stuff like Deviantart, reddit etc but with more grown ups and people actually being decent to one another (its more about the social bit than trying to get free downloads or anything like that but there is a lot of interesting content being posted)

    Be aware a lot of the “federated” timeline (the one which contains all the instances) will be in French, German and other languages (as the French and Germans built a lot of the network and instances, most likely inspired by their Minitel and BTX systems).

    Also choosing an instance takes a bit of forethought, you want to pick one that isn’t overloaded (two of the main ones have already stopped accepting users) and that federates with enough of the others if you want your messages to be seen by more people.

    Thanks GL. From the brief look at it I had it reminded me of IRC, which again I had only a very brief look at….


      [quote quote=1216588]Getting a lot of articles in the tech press, genuinely open source “twitter” type system without ads/data tracking and currently with more users than I’d expected and less fools!

      Sign up with one of these :

      The main one is overloaded and not accepting more users but just pick one that is multi user and near to your country. Use the “federated timeline” to see the “toots” (which is what they call “tweets” from people on other servers).

      You get 500 characters and can also add multiple pictures – its a lot like Usenet with a better UI and before the idiots took it over!

      Hi GL,

      what are u talking about…which means what is that u are talking here “””mastodon…”””, auf detsch wenn du zeit hast mir zu erklaren was dass ist dieses or easy english.

      I think you would iike this network as there are loads of French and German speaking folk on there as well as posting in English 🙂 is one of the “instances” you can use (although its stopped taking registrations) – but there are many others at this link

      Once you find one you like and register to it if you use the “federated timeline” you can see messages from other instances (such as where I am registered). You can also change the language settings of the web site to French or German if you wish…

      [quote quote=1218378]

      Getting a lot of articles in the tech press, genuinely open source “twitter” type system without ads/data tracking and currently with more users than I’d expected and less fools!

      Sign up with one of these :

      The main one is overloaded and not accepting more users but just pick one that is multi user and near to your country. Use the “federated timeline” to see the “toots” (which is what they call “tweets” from people on other servers).

      You get 500 characters and can also add multiple pictures – its a lot like Usenet with a better UI and before the idiots took it over!

      Hi GL,

      what are u talking about…which means what is that u are talking here “””mastodon…”””, auf detsch wenn du zeit hast mir zu erklaren was dass ist dieses or easy english.


      So we should all speak French just because iliesse is a multi-tard hahahahhaahhahaa

      this is a very good guide about choosing instances with regard to the community/content you might find on each one (you may need to use it in conjunction with the more “techie” list above to find one that is still accepting registrations)

      This is a sample message or “toot” from there (you should be able to follow the URL, I’m not sure how much WordPress yet integrates with Mastodon and how much content may be previewed)

      This is one WP integration plugin (hat tip to the French crew for the link!)

      BTW Mastodon is full of old skool ravers and cool people from the Usenet days, I strongly recommend folk on here try and find and instance and sign up..

      Mastodon Embed






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    Forums Life Computers, Gadgets & Technology Social Media New social network "mastodon"