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newbie here….. party question!

Forums Rave Free Parties & Teknivals newbie here….. party question!

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    I used to go out raving a lot ‘back in the day’ and beleive it or not at the ripe old age of 26! i’ve got my second wind for the proper party vibe….i used to go to the Exodus raves and a few other squatt partys so i know what it’s all about.
    Anyway does anyone know of a party this weekend or the next coming weeks?…and if so being out of the loop how do i find out for myself without posting crap messages like this! Cheers….by the way theres a free beer in it!

    Hey Peasy.
    Please check out
    parties section on forum
    Also check
    free parties section
    Both have all the contacts you’ll need
    parties just west outta london are pretty fluffy jus like the old days In London its are pretty hardcore at the mo’ not fluffy at all
    Enjoy m8!

    don’t drink beer by the way! make it summit a bit stronger and your on!

    Thanks for that Random Raver…..looks like i’m going to the Section 63 party in SE7 tonight (22nd) thanks to you!If i see ya there i’ll sort something for ya stronger!

    Theres also the mailing list

    ellooo, if your looking for a party and your near the south west next week, there’s a ware house party happnin’ on saturday 21st in Bristol or on the out skirts!
    some mates i met at the Dragon fest are setting it up, will write when i know the finer details!!!!!! or just watch out for a convoy of peeps, you know the score! he he hee

    cheers :flowers:

    Alexx wrote:
    ellooo, if your looking for a party and your near the south west next week, there’s a ware house party happnin’ on saturday 21st in Bristol or on the out skirts!
    some mates i met at the Dragon fest are setting it up, will write when i know the finer details!!!!!! or just watch out for a convoy of peeps, you know the score! he he hee

    cheers :flowers:

    hope you have a good time, but is it worth giving out information so far in advance?

    especially considering the harsh attitude of the authorities in that area over the past couple years :bad_idea:

    dude well we always got a perty going on down here in new orleans but i mean to think about it u kno how long its bin since the ravers of new olreans united for a rave lets say a good 4 years. but if ur looking for a good party gimmie a holla at i can hook ya up with some hoppin spots in new orleans.






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Forums Rave Free Parties & Teknivals newbie here….. party question!