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Nofolk Party 14th May – With a licence?

Forums Rave Party Reports Nofolk Party 14th May – With a licence?

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  • This weekend we had another private land party, this time our friendly land owner was warned by the police a few weeks ago that if he had an event without a licence then it would be shut down and arrests made. So our friendly land owner went and got a TENs licence and we had our party in the same spot as last time with no trouble from old bill, and no complaints from nieghbours even though the sound system was loud.

    Old bill didnt even come down to the party and check number plates, or sit at the end of the track stopping people. We saw them once at the begging of night and they soon left when they were shown the TENs licence.

    People from all over EA turned up and we had good stomp!raaa

    @Tocooltom 435001 wrote:

    Old bill didnt even come down to the party and check number plates, or sit at the end of the track stopping people. We saw them once at the begging of night and they soon left when they were shown the TENs licence.

    People from all over EA turned up and we had good stomp!raaa

    fair play to whoever has had the sense to do this.. and yes the cops won’t bother to do checks like that (provided people are driving well) as there’s no licensing offence being committed!

    At least some people have got the right idea about getting away with parties, even if you do have to sign documents etc…but that is the problem, if anyone gets injured or dies then whoever signed that paper is going to be held responsible!

    There was one problem i had with this party though, the two lads who have been out robbing peeps in Norfolk and Suffolk turned up. Patrick was wearing a balaclava n sunglasses to hide his face and Gibbo was wearing a cap sunglasses and his hood up on his purple hoody (basically a pair of pussies who cant face the music).

    They seem to be licking the arses of a few big names in the scene at the moment (constantly following them around). I decided to let them slide for now because me and my mates had nothing to do with organizing the party so we felt it was down to those people to sort it out if they wanted to..which they didn’t.:you_crazy

    I saw one lad introducing Gibbo to someone as “Matty”, its funny how they have to do this!

    They day these lads come to on of our nights again, they will deeply regret it.

    @Tocooltom 435147 wrote:

    At least some people have got the right idea about getting away with parties, even if you do have to sign documents etc…but that is the problem, if anyone gets injured or dies then whoever signed that paper is going to be held responsible!

    yeah I know its a issue but thats the way the rest of society works though, its called transparency and accountability….. at work I’ve signed a contract of employment which means I am responsible for making sure the important equipment used to help staff communicate works properly to my best efforts, and if something goes pear shaped and they can’t dial 999 or communicate with the NHS I have to explain why… so I make sure I have backup and contingency plans.

    Its why there are so many more rules at a legal event but its because the ravers don’t look after themselves. Self policing just about worked 6-10 years ago but things have got worse recently as not all of them are as smart as you or your friends. Its not rocket science keeping folk safe and secure though, loads of commercial businesses manage it every day.

    There was one problem i had with this party though, the two lads who have been out robbing peeps in Norfolk and Suffolk turned up. Patrick was wearing a balaclava n sunglasses to hide his face and Gibbo was wearing a cap sunglasses and his hood up on his purple hoody (basically a pair of pussies who cant face the music).

    Again the organisers now have to man up and deal with it. For one thing it would be easy enough for enough people to say “you have caused trouble before, you are not welcome, get on your way now before there is further bother.” just like any pub landlord has to do, and just try wearing a balaclava in the main street of any EA town in Spring/Summer where there is CCTV and see how long it is before a bobby asks what you are up to. (I appreciate there might be good reason to wear one in the hard winter with the North Sea wind blowing!)

    if they don’t and these idiots cause a incident, whoevers name is on the license will be made to make a formal statement and/or identify them or they can be sued in civil court by the crime victims.






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Forums Rave Party Reports Nofolk Party 14th May – With a licence?