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Noob needs help identifying mushrooms

Forums Drugs Mushrooms & Cacti Noob needs help identifying mushrooms

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  • Ok, I’m a noob mushroom hunter and i need some help identifying if the mushrooms i have picked are edible or are poisionous. I’m fairly certain at least one if not more of the species i picked probably is poisonous, but I also think some of them may be Liberty Caps or something similar. I have pictures of them both in the wild and in my hands. There is also a couple of pictures of some i picked and dried yesterday. spore prints are in the making and i’ll take pictures of them as well when they’re completed.[ATTACH=CONFIG]82830[/ATTACH][ATTACH=CONFIG]82839[/ATTACH][ATTACH=CONFIG]82838[/ATTACH][ATTACH=CONFIG]82837[/ATTACH][ATTACH=CONFIG]82836[/ATTACH][ATTACH=CONFIG]82835[/ATTACH][ATTACH=CONFIG]82834[/ATTACH][ATTACH=CONFIG]82833[/ATTACH][ATTACH=CONFIG]82832[/ATTACH][ATTACH=CONFIG]82831[/ATTACH][ATTACH=CONFIG]82840[/ATTACH]

    the ones with the open white bottoms just do not pick those shitty fungi that grow everywhere.

    liberties generally curve round and aren’t as open capped at all. they are nippled curve round and generally black underneath. the ones next to the lighter look psilocybin filled to me…

    btw i don’t know about mushrooms that grow in germany i’d guess just liberties and mayyyybe cyanescens.

    The only one that looks remotely liberty like to me is the one i the middle of the block of six pics but only cos of the nipple. Doesnt look quite the right colour but then it looks kinda dried out.

    None of them are libbies … sry.

    plz don’t eat any of them.

    @hippie-shaggy 498637 wrote:



    @hippie-shaggy 498637 wrote:


    Nope. Gills are too prominent, also no nipple on top.

    @hippie-shaggy 498637 wrote:


    Close, but very old and rotten. Could make tea with them but not fresh.

    @hippie-shaggy 498637 wrote:


    Close, appear to be very soaked in water. I wouldn’t.
    @hippie-shaggy 498637 wrote:


    Yep. Check the tipple is ther on top though.

    @hippie-shaggy 498637 wrote:


    Yep, but again, very old and rotten.

    @hippie-shaggy 498637 wrote:



    @hippie-shaggy 498637 wrote:



    @hippie-shaggy 498637 wrote:



    @hippie-shaggy 498637 wrote:


    Yes, those are the liberties!!!!

    @hippie-shaggy 498637 wrote:



    Could be, but is more likely to be another mushroom with a larvae – moth has bitten the top and left eggs in.

    Agree mr patty macdoodle

    Though a tip for dry mushies, grind them up in a weed grinder, put them in capsules. done it with gaza before and gaza was off it on a massive combo of drugs and got stuck on a roundabout while my mate fucked on k kept spinning him… he died for 10 mins went green and then threw up and was all tripping out happy again… guess who’s back

    Duna nuna nuna nuna!!

    Yea, and it was MY k!!!

    i was gonna say that actually lolz

    I disagree and don’t think any of them are libbies (bar mby the second from bottom, but they look too light imo and mby the rotten ones .. but it’s hard to tell in that state … besides I wouldn’t eat them anyway!)… Sinner can you get ur mate who know’s his shrooms to have a look at the pics and see what he thinks plz?

    Well, I’m pretty positive Daft Fader but of course others should offer what they reckon. I only said Yes to the ones I was sure on – others could be liberty caps, but 2nd from bottom are the only ones I’m definite on. One above that could have a nipple too – that’s the identifying feature. That and the colour, which varies a bit with different light conditions.

    Well dried shrooms keep their shape better – I reckon examples shown have been rotted by other fungus and bacteria. It’s OK with tea (boiling water kills all the bugs) but careful washing and drying in sterile conditions makes the best dried ones. Same as all production methods, in a theoretical sense under a jurisdiction that permits such things.

    * Does a runner out of the thread.

    This is what i think of this thread:

    @p0ly 498721 wrote:

    Though a tip for dry mushies, grind them up in a weed grinder, put them in capsules.

    Yeah, that’s what we do. Best way, then you can just munch them as required.

    I would say that none of them are liberties. I’ve studied the main one you said yes to. It’s hard to tell definitively because of the angle taken and it’s hard to see if there is that really pronounced nipple but the colour doesn’t seem quite right. They look like a waxy yellow and I remember liberties being a little darker and browner than that and the nipple itself being the only yellowish part, although it HAS been a pretty long time since I ventured out to pick any (mainly due to the availability of cubensis strains).






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Forums Drugs Mushrooms & Cacti Noob needs help identifying mushrooms