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Pictures from » Tribesgathering, Sommerain, Belgium 06.04 – 08.04. 2012

Forums Rave Party Reports Pictures from » Tribesgathering, Sommerain, Belgium 06.04 – 08.04. 2012

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    Here is a link to a picture gallery of the spiral night, its from Audiotrix

    a taste;



    I had wondered about BE as a good place for events? Especially as where I live it is becoming cheaper to cross the North Sea to go out for a weekend then to stay in Blighty!

    I have always been impressed by the NL trance events, more so that each day I learn a bit more Dutch and can thus find out more – but (especially as I can read both the good and bad news about what happens at these large events, and how the whole society views them, not just party people) I would say “ze zijn toch groot maar niet gezellig” – A concept it would be easier for the Dutch speakers to appreciate, and I’ve seen murmurs about this on Dutch speaking rave forums – at least in the 21st century.

    I accept they they must have been wonderful places to be at in the better economic times and a brighter Europe, especially when young Dutch folk did not have concerns over the economic depression, multiculturalism but then I did not live close enough to the North Sea to appreciate the scene and those times have changed – this sort of even seems just the right size…

    I know there were several people from Copenhagen attending this event, they had already ordered and payed up for rental vans when a friend told them that I could drive them in the Raver bus…but next year, now they know….

    about events in holland, there is one that I want to have a go at and that is Mystery Land it looks good and I want this kind of event to DK

    dude I have been looking for something like that for ages – got the right mix of perhaps “mainstream” NL acts I live but also the positive environment stuff (and because of this more likely to be tolerated year after year). Will look into this is more detail

    BTW (this is not immediately obvious, as many Dutch sites are fond of putting the headlines in English then everything else below (in Dutch)), the Info menu contains an (abridged) version of the site in not just English, but Spanish, Portgueuse, Arabic and Chinese (they don’t do things by halves!) which contains all the info you need, including stuff like the trains etc (this is also in English and other languages)).

    For Dutch speakers (or learners) the 10000 hours link is worth a look as well – as they are linking with voluntary organisations, environment groups etc. I have not seen this sort of links between the dance music scene and wider alternative scenes since the 1980s in the UK…

    Whether I can make it this year I am not sure as I have to train two staff before I can leave some very important telephone networks and servers 300km away, but this is the sort of event which (like Distortion in Copenhagen) works well enough within the system yet still genuinely is trying to do something more than just partying so I am sure it will still be there in 2013, 2014 etc (and until I realised the magic of the info menu was reading everything in Dutch, so any positive spin wouldn’t have worked on me).

    I went to Mysteryland a couple times and it was ok. Much much better was Ground Zero… 🙂






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Forums Rave Party Reports Pictures from » Tribesgathering, Sommerain, Belgium 06.04 – 08.04. 2012