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Pikey Robbing F*ck Whores.

Forums Life Bikes & Biking Pikey Robbing F*ck Whores.

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  • Was in the pub on Monday. Chained my bike up outside. It’s only gone and disappeared. In broad daylight with people sitting drinking outside FIVE FEET away.

    ‘Whaddya mean you didn’t see anything?’
    Slightly less than amused was I.

    Gotta get the fackin’ tube now.



    Cunts man. Had a similar thing happen to me a few months ago. If I ever find the pikey prick that did it, I’ll burn his fkin caravan down while he sleeps in it!

    Proper annoyed. Was gonna bike to work next week. I hate public transport especially in summer. I had a look at some lockbreaking videos on YT mind you. Seems nothing is impenetrable given the desire and tooling. Sucks for both of us. Gonna buy a UAV and have it circling above whenever I park up in future and drop bombs on the fuckers that have a go. Mwhahahahahaha :toxic:

    Ha ha, nice mate. Every new car or bike should come with its own drone, but the pikeys’d probably try & nick them instead!

    True, then they’d have their beedy little eyes on everything! [video=youtube_share;uRNVxHPJ0hM][/video]

    If only they allowed anti-theft devices like that in the UK man…

    Several potential ways to stop this happening again.

    Next time, unbolt the seat and take it in the pub with you. 🙂

    Even better, the handlebars.

    GPS locator + phone bug.

    But, I reckon the best way would be to attach a life size head of the Pope painted on the rear wheels.

    NOBODY is going to ride that fucker away. Except possibly a nun.

    Get a bike that looks like shite but works mighty fine for your use and you will have it to your death. If it looks like crap it is m not anyone could sell on the black market…

    First step get a decent frame(a bit rusty is cool) and then put it together with bits and pieces you find from trashed bikes that you find everywhere…thats how I have kept my bike with only tiny chain…






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Forums Life Bikes & Biking Pikey Robbing F*ck Whores.