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Portugal Teknival?

Forums Rave Free Parties & Teknivals Portugal Teknival?

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  • Have you heard about a Teknival in Portugal this August?

    There’s a huge trance goa festival running from the 20th – 24th august, that needs an opposite…

    Most of my friends are going to Samothraki in Greece this year. I can’t afford it but that many trance hippies in one place is just too scary for me even after 3 years of living in amsterdam…

    Do you have a URL for this teknival?

    NO url for the tekni, but you’ll find info, around the boomfestival or maybe a web site will be up and running soon. maybe on my next post…

    we are also in spain looking for the party – we heard from random spanish people about a festival in bilbao but i think we were too late and its already finished – not that up for the boom festival – does anyone know where this teknival is yet?

    2 of us are going to be in Portugal (Lisbon area) between the 12th and 20th of September – does anyone know of anything happening around that time?? should help you find your way…

    Thanks mate, thats just what I was looking for!!

    2 of us are going to be in Portugal (Lisbon area) between the 12th and 20th of September – does anyone know of anything happening around that time??

    the festival will take pace at the north of portugal but it will be one milions of times beter :weee:






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Forums Rave Free Parties & Teknivals Portugal Teknival?