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  • ok so i have tripped on lsd a couple of times. i am also a regular pot smoker.
    about two months back i popped a stamp and smoked a few joints. everything was fine until the 5th hour of the trip.
    suddenly i could feel my ears shutting down, everything getting dark, heart rate started to increase and i started having pain in my chest.
    i thought i was having a heart attack and dying. my left arm started getting numb. my friends rushed me to the hospital and i was fine by next morning. heart rate had gone upto 200.
    i thought it was just a bad trip and nothing more.
    i stayed clean with mild chest pain and feeling of numbness in my left arm and leg. and 15 days later i smoked a joint with a friend and again experienced the rapid increase in heart rate and chest pain and numbness. but this time i wasnt getting paranoid because i hadnt taken lsd. again i went to the hospital and heart rate was upto 140.
    i got ecg and eco tests done for the heart and it was normal.
    i waited for another month until all signs of chest pain disappeared but i did develop numbness on the left side of my face within this month. which also gradually went away.
    now about 3 days back, feeling completely fit and healthy, i shared a joint with my friend and experienced the ‘dying’ feeling again..which is actually a feeling of passing out..but it felt like dying on lsd…lol…also..numbness in my left arm and leg…no chest pain but increased heart rate…and after the whole thing got over…i have developed numbness on the left side of my face again.
    I got a treadmill test done for the heart…many ecgs…everything is normal.

    I know that pot increases your heart rate, but only for a while, but mine stays high for hours…i have smoked day and night for three years, popped a couple of time but nothing of this sort ever happened. No numbness or feinting.
    Now doctors say that my problem is nerve related. Im wondering if lsd caused any nerve damage. During the first major attack i could feel whole of my left side of body going numb. Also developed pain on the left side of my head. Any ideas anyone?

    Not an expert but this sounds awfully like a panic attack. Perhaps try taking some valium with some lsd which would help the anxiety

    dude…the first time it maybe…but im very sure it wasnt just a panic attack the next two times. the last time…3 days back…i was super happy, calm even during all this shit was happening.

    @sectumsempra 451075 wrote:

    dude…the first time it maybe…but im very sure it wasnt just a panic attack the next two times. the last time…3 days back…i was super happy, calm even during all this shit was happening.

    Trust me this has happened to me before but with stimulants. You get it in your head and you think about it alot and this makes you anxious. You just need to convince yourself that it will go away and maybe take a break for a while

    You have been checked out by a Dr and cleared so I would suggest trying a good chiropracter and making sure your spine isn’t trapping a nerve in your neck
    TBH I would quit smoking pot if that was me until this clears up bearing in mind that its smoking pot which is triggering the subsequent attacks; also question the quality of your stash as depending on what you are smoking the adulterants can be very nasty

    ~At first it sounded liek a panik attack, but the numbness sugests otherwise … it could be two problems mixed into one, It sounds like the weed is making you paranoid either way so I’d lay off it if i was you.

    I think you should get blood tests done just to put your mind at ease.






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Forums Drugs Trip Reports Post lsd trip issues