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  • Just thought I would recommend a really good movie I’ve just finished watching. I’m not sure about you lot but I am finding decent childrens movies quite hard to come by.

    Now this was created by the team who brought you the likes of spongebob, ren and stimpy and rockos modern life so yes it is quite psychedelic, bewildering and splattered with all sorts of unexpected quirks.
    Its chock full of gags, some of which only the adult audiences will get.

    There was also a couple of fear and loathing cross overs and references (not to mention the main character is voiced by johnny depp and wears hawaiian shirt.) That made me chuckle.

    To summerize the plot, a domesticated chameleon mad with solitude finds himself unexpectedly thrown into the desert. He seeks refuge in an old spaghetti westernesque town where his acting skills land him out of his depth.

    It has some spiritual elements of deep southern and mexican myths and a few very trippy dehydration enduced halicinations.

    As for the characters they made me laugh and they all seed to carry out their own humour which was exevuted perfectly with the wacky animated faces. (these are nickelodeon animaters remember so the characters are hilariously characatured)

    In a nutshell a not to serious animated black comedy for all ages, refreshingly different and lacks the predictability and wetnes of most family comedies. (although maybe a tad wetnes…hard to avoid with family films though e

    Yeh, it’s a pretty good movie.

    This and fantastic Mr fox are probably the best kids movies of the past 5 years I recon.

    Thanks for the recommendation, been eying Rango up for some time but didn’t know anyone who’d seen it so had no idea if it was any good. I’ll be sure to watch it now.

    Did you get round to watching life of Pi? Think you said you were interested after I made a thread about it, if I made that up I still highly recommend it.

    @The Psyentist 546469 wrote:

    Thanks for the recommendation, been eying Rango up for some time but didn’t know anyone who’d seen it so had no idea if it was any good. I’ll be sure to watch it now.

    Did you get round to watching life of Pi? Think you said you were interested after I made a thread about it, if I made that up I still highly recommend it.

    Well actually Im going to read the book first so after I’ve finished my current book I will get on it. I would of liked to see it at the cinema but unfortunately didn’t get a chance.






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