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rebalancing karma post rave?

Forums Life Spirituality, Morality & Religion rebalancing karma post rave?

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  • I’m not that much of a “hippy” type but recently everytime after I’ve had a really excellent party I try to do other positive stuff once I’ve recovered..

    Its simple things like trying to still do my best at work despite being a bit broken, being friendly to people or animals (I tend to befriend random cats I meet in the countryside), being consderate on my bike (like not riding on pavements and forcing grannies to take evasive action), or supporting places like charity shops and community organisationn

    I try my best to avoid mood swings and being angry (its not that I don’t get them, I am not superman) but I try not to take them out on others…

    it might seem strange but I think its important to do this in some way as its payback for getting away with all the “naughty” stuff you do at parties :groucho: – drugs, rinsing tat out of warehouses etc…

    amazingly I’ve found (although its probably some psychological thing) it actually seems to minimise the negative effect midweek 🙂

    I’ve always been a great believer in random acts of kindness – not as a way to offset any karma damage done by partying, because I don’t believe having a good time is sinful (living near covenanter territory, I know where the “fun is sinful” thinking can get you…:you_crazy:you_crazy:you_crazy), but as a general life rule. Even if it doesn’t make my own life any better directly, the ripples that are created from one person who’s day has been made a little bit more pleasant has an effect far greater than the effort needed to do it. The world would be a much nicer place (IMO) if everybody tried to perform one kind act for a complete stranger every day – wether it be opening a door for an old lady (I tend not to do this for younger ones, having been accused of chauvanism for it :you_crazy), stopping when you see someone broken down and asking if they need any help, stopping for hitchers (we get a lot of them where we are), letting someone go in front of you when you have a trolleyful of stuff at the supermarket and they stop behind you with a pint of milk or somesuch – the options are endless.

    And it definetly has a psychological effect, as I am generally a very cheerful person (and have never really suffered what people call the midweek blues on E comedown…:weee::weee:)

    noname wrote:
    I’ve always been a great believer in random acts of kindness – not as a way to offset any karma damage done by partying, because I don’t believe having a good time is sinful

    I wouldn’t call it sinful but (and I am talking about free parties in England) I do think our “good time” is achieved by passing a lot of costs and hassle on to someone else (such as the state that warehouses and fields are often left in), (I believe this isn’t so much the case in Scotland!)

    Also I’ve encountered a lot of ravers over the years who are a grumpy, angry bunch midweek (even towards their friends and partners) – so I’m just trying to offset all this bad stuff in any way I can..

    General Lighting wrote:
    I wouldn’t call it sinful but (and I am talking about free parties in England) I do think our “good time” is achieved by passing a lot of costs and hassle on to someone else (such as the state that warehouses and fields are often left in), (I believe this isn’t so much the case in Scotland!)

    Also I’ve encountered a lot of ravers over the years who are a grumpy, angry bunch midweek (even towards their friends and partners) – so I’m just trying to offset all this bad stuff in any way I can..

    Aye. Fair enough. Like I say, random acts of kindness are a good thing… Cleaning up your party site is good too (there are a few crews up here that don’t do it too, and they cause trouble for all of us).

    random acts of kindness :love: luv um they gud for tha soul ..
    more more more!!!






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Forums Life Spirituality, Morality & Religion rebalancing karma post rave?