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Rickling Herb Farm (Essex) – Next Party?

Forums Rave Free Parties & Teknivals Rickling Herb Farm (Essex) – Next Party?

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  • [map]Rickling, Saffron Walden, Essex[/map]

    NB: not to be confused with similarly named place in Basildon (South Essex)

    What time of year is this party normaly? I may have acsess to a car by then and it’s not too far from me if I could driver there.

    Next one is in march i believe.

    @DaftFader 419741 wrote:

    What time of year is this party normaly? I may have acsess to a car by then and it’s not too far from me if I could driver there.

    about 35 miles – above your original post should be a map. (please let me know if it isn’t working for you, as its a really cool feature) – you can click on the balloon thing and use it to get directions

    @General Lighting 419803 wrote:

    about 35 miles – above your original post should be a map. (please let me know if it isn’t working for you, as its a really cool feature) – you can click on the balloon thing and use it to get directions

    I wanted to know the rough time of year mate. I can see your map no probs. :love:

    I’d go with March as well. I think the dude what owns the place seems to have come to some agreement with his neighbours to do them every 6 months. if they are done under TENS there will be a limit on the amount of tickets, probably about 400-450 (as the 500 person limit includes crew)

    Ah doubt I’d have the transport or the cash at that point in time. 🙁

    I’ll see what the weather’s like in september if they do one then. 😀


    The party organisers specifically requested no posts on any forums about the party.

    Does anyone know if the party organisers are aware of this thread?

    Let’s not spoil a good thing.


    With respect, this event is now hardly a secret in this region. This thread is 1.5 years old and no-one has complained back then when I asked if the thread was a “security risk”.

    There are also people who have links to this event using this forum who had the chance to make their opinions known when it started. As I’ve mentioned previously, a multitude of videos, forum posts and other content exist from past events at this venue on lots of other forums, youtube etc. Some were even clearly posted in advance of the event and contain full directions etc, and are only a google search away. There has also been debate about various music events being held at the venue and issues regarding their licensing in the local press.

    I would very much like this event to go ahead but especially given the time elapsed without complaint I’m now unhappy at the concept of being asked to censor a year old public debate about a legal rave, unless there really is a sensible and rational reason to do so. Doing so at such a late stage would in fact be more counterproductive as it makes promoters look like they have something to hide – and whether or not its discussed online, its not rocket science for locals to work out that the owners of this place may well want to keep holding events every so often.

    the other people in this thread are clued up local ravers, talking about the parties are doing so in good faith as they feel its not a problem to discuss a legal event – nor should it be!

    realistically its also pointless trying to hide info, as soon as the license application is put in, it becomes a matter of public record and the cops and other concerned parties have a right to object under the Licensing Act 2003 if they want to – they can do this whether or not the promoters try to censor discussions as they will be notified as soon as the event happens.

    OTOH Having a open and transparent discussion about this event also helps to prove to authorities in the East that it is possible to have a well run, safe underground dance music event in a rural location, and that this event has been successful opens up the path to others. EA as we all know is big, so its hardly going to cause too much “competition” either, there’s room enough for everyone! That I think is a “good thing!” The promoters should be proud of this event, not try to hide it…

    however if they do encounter what they feel are unfounded objections, they also have every right to go to the media as well and fight their corner, and should also openly discuss it on the forums as others have done, without attempting to censor bad news. When Glade got refused its license there was a full and open discussion, the promoters addressed the issues and now the event is permitted again.

    should the authorities claim that discussion online might bring the numbers over 500 and make the event unsafe, the obvious counterclaim is that this should be combated by allowing other events to happen in the EA region which spreads out the ravers across a large region rather than everyone going to the same place – also in reality most smaller legal dance events in this region often have less than 500 people present.

    Tying to hide up info and pushing things under the carpet makes us no better than the dodgy mainstream political systems..


    No, the party organisers only requested that the directions do not go on public message boards; they never said anything about just talking about the parties, I believe.

    Next one is psy-trance in march 2011.


    next one very soon i think. ears to zee ground…

    Party was a week or 2 ago.

    Nope, there was one last month. And there’s also one tonight. 9pm music start. Ed cox playing.

    i think the reason for not having on forums is so they dont get loads of people turning up as it is invite only and they only have a certain amount of space. people turning up and jumping taxis and running straight into the party has caused them grief before with the police so probably want to try and avoid this and keep it as low key as possible..

    Yeah that’s probably right, but it’s guest list only and they do turn people away






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Forums Rave Free Parties & Teknivals Rickling Herb Farm (Essex) – Next Party?