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Robotripping question..

Forums Drugs Over the Counter & Prescription Drugs Robotripping question..

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  • I have this cough syrup, (generic brand, not Robotussin), and if I were to try to get high off it, I’d take 2 oz of the 8 oz bottle to start. According to my math, along with the DXM I’d be taking about 1600 mg of acetaminophen and about 20 mg of phenylephrin hcl. Would I be okay?..

    NO, you would be screwed haha. Only take stuff when the only, ONLY, active ingredient is DXM HBr, there can’t be any other “active ingredients” in there. I just popped about 20 of those pills myself. The pill form is better. The cough syrup is nasty.

    What you need is Calminex PM, that has the dexotrypfan in it that really makes you trip balls!

    @epleary 497233 wrote:

    I have this cough syrup, (generic brand, not Robotussin), and if I were to try to get high off it, I’d take 2 oz of the 8 oz bottle to start. According to my math, along with the DXM I’d be taking about 1600 mg of acetaminophen and about 20 mg of phenylephrin hcl. Would I be okay?..

    Best way to get high off of that shit is to get the Tussin Softgels. There’s usually like 20 softgels in the box, take like 5 to start and increase it if you want to reach the higher plateaus. Last I read, there are 4. The 1st is just feeling weebly wobbly but you’re still pretty sober. The 2nd is getting a little heavier and you may see your walls breathing or feel that time is distorted. The 3rd is considerably high – you won’t sleep all night long because you will stay up watching shit movies being amazed at how great the graphics are on Scarlet’s dress from Gone With the Wind when you’re actually just watching cartoons. The 4th is the ultimate experience. I’ve hit it before and it’s amazing. You will trip fucking balls, no lie. But you may have religious experiences, become inspired by the hallucinogenic properties that DXM provides. It’s also very taxing on your body though – I mean a full 24 hours with no sleep and hallucinating is definitely going to give you a bad hangover the next morning. And you will still feel slight effects of your trip night. It wears off generally within like 8-10 hours but the hangover is trippy too. Been there, done that.

    Not going to lie, it’s fun.

    Way to bring a post back from the dead.

    What’s DXM like?

    I got given a gram of it by a friend after she was sold it as MD, but Reagent test came back positive for DXM. But her reaction to it and the amount she took didn’t correlate with what I’d read about it on Erowid. Ultimately I left it in a drawer for about 18months before concluding I was never going to bother with it, so I just gave it to a friend with a warning to identify it first.

    DXM is scary as hell. I took 1000mg one time (plus 300mg Bupropion XL daily) and tripped for 2 1/2 DAYS.

    I did think it sounded a bit boring if anything. Maybe I would have felt a little more enticed by it a few years ago, before I started playing with other random and much stronger psychedelics

    DXM comes in 4 plateus, have hit onenand 2 but no further although my gf at the time looked to me like she hit plateu 4. Highly intense and potentially overwhelming trip for many. Most won’t even try pushing it beyond minima;l doses.






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Forums Drugs Over the Counter & Prescription Drugs Robotripping question..