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  • someone said that you’re supposed to hold it in for 30 seconds so I’m going to try that.

    Finally got it to work last night. Did it in a bong. Took about three massive lugs and held each one in for as long as I could and then BANG full on tripping. To start with it was really full on, really physical rush, then real paranoia. Forgot totally what I was doing, who I was with and couldnt understand how I was tripping so much. After a couple of minutes I remembered what I was doing, lay down and it completely calmed down. Had a feeling of being watched, of being surrounded by females and greeness. After about 10 minutes it was over and we were left feeling quite giggley and high and spent a long time laughing about the whole thing.
    All in all it was quite a wierd experience, to come up on a trip so quickly and completely and then come down so fast.i had a really good sleep last night and today feel suprisingly refreshed. Still glad I did it but dont think I would do it again. Thanks for all your advice about it.






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Forums Drugs Salvia Divinorum Salvia