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savernake forest

Forums Rave Party Reports savernake forest

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  • Did n e 1 go to a freefestival during the summer in newbury savernake forest?? The soundsytems where storm, psycosis,sokaid and I think tunnel crew where there also.
    I thought this was an exelent party one of the best i’ve been to actually.
    Wen we pulled up the police kindley told us that they where going to tow our car away if we didn’t remove it before 7am and questiond us on why we where goin to a “pance” party (little do they no!!) this was quite amusing as there was about 2 miles of cars parked along the road and there was really nothing they could do about it!!
    The scenery of this forest was mind blowing (maybe it was that acid) and the music was fantastic!! and of coarse it had the good vibe of peace and harmony!!!! wot more can u ask for fukin exellent weekend!! 😀






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Forums Rave Party Reports savernake forest