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Scotland – in or out of the UK?

Forums Life Politics, Media & Current Events Scotland – in or out of the UK?

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  • Today’s the day when Scottish folk get an opportunity to either devolve or opt out entirely from the UK – including the currency (and debt level).

    Any predictions? It’s a close thing, last time around they were promised devolved powers all they got was Maggie Thatcher…

    I have a sneaking suspicion some people have been busy stuffing ballot boxes with “no” votes but hey, I’m notoriously paranoid and cynical.

    Which way would I vote if I could? I’m a McDonald, pretty much disadvantaged at every level so it’s pretty unlikely I’d vote, more likely I’d just walk away.

    one of those things where like any vote it doesn’t make that much difference either way; the main reasons Scotland was allowed to have it in the first place was resources.

    They could turn off the electric to England and London could go dark in minutes without even going as far as any other kind of conflict or war.

    It may not seem be logical but its still a good thing that it did happen, that there was a very large turnout (possibly one of the biggest for any election in Europe) and that the UK still exists today.

    I did think the Yes campaign had one major flaw; with money and resources being such a big factor the funding strategy for Scotland (especially if they aimed to be more social democratic than England) seemed to involve digging holes in it everywhere to get at the gas and oil. That would soon trash the place and most likely let in the North Sea, making independence somewhat of a Phyrric victory.

    I was watching this last night wondering how much of a country would exist today; although its still the same UK as before it does seem strangely topical – I originally thought the video was from Danmarks Radio or SVT as I had no idea who Paul Coia was…

    Oh well, that will teach me to look for an alternative radical point of view.

    Carry on, no need for change, everything is just fine, everybody is marvellously happy with the current state of affairs and of course constitutional monarchy can never ever be beaten.

    Fuck innovation, there’s no demand for it.

    Just forget I asked. I’m certainly regretting doing so.






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Forums Life Politics, Media & Current Events Scotland – in or out of the UK?