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Forums Life Computers, Gadgets & Technology Social Media SHOULD I PUT MY FB ACCOUNT BACK UP? VOTE QUICK!

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  • I could have flipped a coin but decided to get freaky and went this route.

    didnt even notice you had gone…..

    I’ve only had it down for a week…

    What I said on the phone earlier to my friend:

    ‘I shot myself in the foot by getting fb really didn’t I. If I didn’t go on it then the useful people would have got hold of me via better methods’

    Oh wellll…. :weee:

    Got loads of txts n shit n someone will always have to put in. ‘your facebooks down isn’t it’…


    You want to put your back up?

    Is this an attempt to get lumbago and work your ticket?

    I doubt it, that will make hardcore sex impossible..

    Fuck yeah, get back on it dude! I know it’s a pain in the ass at times, but it has its up sides too.

    No! Remain an enigmatic psy-hiring hymen hurting hero.

    Get that shit gone! The first month can seem a bit strange without it but trust me – after 3 months you’ll never go back!
    just make sure to get yer mates email address’s and phne numbers, life is better without shitty fb

    I refuse to start one, facepalmpage is an ebil attempt to turn us all into cyberjunkies………………. says the forum addict lol

    I’m nearly 25 and still a fb virgin. That possibly makes me the coolest virgin in the world. You don’t need it, nobody does. C’mon man your stronger than that brain warping shit!

    Lotta failbook hate going round.

    Very expected. think the poll is speaking.

    Meh….being a non conformist is so much effort

    I think the biggest problem with AdvertsInYourFaceBook is not being able to separate different parts of your life, I dont want my GFs talking freely to my EX’s, or my work colleagues reading what I got up to on mad night out with my mates, or my family knowing anything about anything lol

    Gonna start a new campaign called ‘GetOutMyFaceBook’ with the slogan ‘Some things are private and none of your damn business’ : P

    @Mezz 505757 wrote:

    I think the biggest problem with AdvertsInYourFaceBook is not being able to separate different parts of your life, I dont want my GFs talking freely to my EX’s, or my work colleagues reading what I got up to on mad night out with my mates, or my family knowing anything about anything lol

    Gonna start a new campaign called ‘GetOutMyFaceBook’ with the slogan ‘Some things are private and none of your damn business’ : P

    Yeah but after a while you find that all your separate little secret lives all come together and your family come to accept your drug binges….i mean life, hell I uesed to take mine down all the time but now I just don’t give a fuck what other people think. Hell I put a ketamine pick on my wall earlier. People can like me for who I truly am or they can talk about me behind my back either way I aint changng and I am and i’m keeping my FB page up.







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Forums Life Computers, Gadgets & Technology Social Media SHOULD I PUT MY FB ACCOUNT BACK UP? VOTE QUICK!