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Shroom ID Help Needed

Forums Drugs Mushrooms & Cacti Shroom ID Help Needed

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  • went out picking this morning with someone i met at a pub last night and finally got shown whats what. only problem is some of the things he said went against some of the advice on here. hes been doin it for years and has done plenty already, and felt fine this morning. ne way heres some pics, tell me what you think.

    the first ones have subtle nipples and dark gills with thin greyish stems,

    the next lot have thicker stems and lighter gills, still with nipples, these are the ones im sceptical about but he was certain the were good.

    the next lot had darker heads, thinner darker stems and more ovbious nipples and were spread alot further apart.

    Sorry m8 your out of luck. DO NOT eat those ones in the middle, white gills usually means there poisonous.

    Have you had a look at pics of libs before because they dont look anything like those mushrooms you’ve got. If you havent check these out



    Notice the nipple on most of them. I say most because they dont always have them. Take notice of the stems too, there always sorta wavy never straight. If there wet the cap has a sticky layer which you can peel off. They more of a yellow colour when they’ve dried. Hope that helps and good luck

    edit :I actually just read the whole of that post.JESUS MARY AND JOSEPH, DO NOT LISTEN TO A WORD THAT GUY SAYS

    i agree, none of those 3 pictures are right

    louder has the right ones

    cheers for reply, the whiter ones have now been binned!! what do you make of the ones on the left, they are squished now, but the nipple was much more obvious when they were fresh. plus we were out quite early and they took a while to start poppin up so they were very fresh.

    please say the whole batch is shite (unless the whole batch is shite!!)

    strange, he was mashed last night and mashed by the time we got home this morning! but ill take your word for it.

    do all liberty caps look like them ones in the photo?? and does the frost kill magic ones but not non magic ones??

    globalloon wrote:
    i agree, none of those 3 pictures are right

    louder has the right ones

    dammit:yakk: i was well lookin forward to munching those.

    dont know what he was at then, i saw the ones he picked the other day and they were mostly like the ones in the first photo, he and the people he’d given em too where quite mashed and none ill.

    but if you guys are certain then ill leave em well alone.

    I think people get too caught up with looking for a nipple. I went yesterday and saw 2 other types of mushroom with nipples. Just cos its got a nipple doesnt mean its any good. Look at the gills if there not dark purple, especially if there white dont even bother. There much smaller than u think too most i found yesterday the cap was no bigger than a 5p and some were a bit smaller. Before i saw my first one I wasnt sure about some mushrooms but it was desperation really. When i finally found one PING!! I knew straight away. If you look at enough pics you will too m8. Good luck

    bear in mind that its perfectly possible this chap may well have found some decent shrooms at the start, in amongst the other ones…

    He has then gone on to consume these; by which time his idenfication skills may not be quite as sharp – a combination of being fucked and tiredness

    could you identify a load of random fungi whilst tripping hard?

    better to be safe than sorry, the JR2 is no place to be at the weekend..

    Idea: if you have access to a decent colour printer why not print out the pic of good shrooms before you go hunting?

    other things that make me think the pic on the left isn’t right is that the caps are to splayed out, the stems are too white, and the caps also seem to have grooves running from cap to base. liberty caps curve under slightly, have a darker stem and a smooth surface on the cap

    it’s is hard to telljust from aphoto. it’s worth reading some of the detailed ID on the shroomery (and understanding the terminology)

    Is it true…. when you sqeeze the stem of the mushroom it turns a blue/purple colour?

    My mummy told me thats what happens lol

    Insanity wrote:
    Is it true…. when you sqeeze the stem of the mushroom it turns a blue/purple colour?

    yes. the blue colour is the psilocybin


    Just wanted to let you know I’m sure that the fungi in the first picture are Coprinus Micaceus. A close relative of the common ink cap. But unlike that variety, c.micaceus is inedible, though not poisonous. (to put your mind at rest, in case you had tried one)
    The others, I can’t be certain.

    I think that bloke was av’in you on

    Hes a sick fuck if he was, cos you dont wanna fuck about with mushrooms. Thats if you value your liver anyway.






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Forums Drugs Mushrooms & Cacti Shroom ID Help Needed