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So [username], how are you feeling today?

Forums The Vibe Chat So [username], how are you feeling today?

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  • im feeling ok….

    pretty chipper, got the next two days off

    I’m great! As horny as any other day…

    Still waiting to find a gal to masturbate daily with…. 😀


    Feeling tired today, Can’t seem to ever get some sleep nowadays.

    Hey if you pop round I might have some spare rohypnol 😉 JK

    Welcome to the forum 🙂

    Sounds good to me. :crazy:

    I’m exhausted, working 7 days straight and not much sleep kiils me.

    Feeling horny after smoking a bowl !!

    kik anyone??

    High !

    ok, slept this afternoon and had super vivid dreams for like the whole 2 hour nap, happens every now and again

    Tired and back to work I go.

    Im feeling great today so far … was a liitle irritated this morning . not getting a whole lot of sleep everynite .:) my ocd is kickin in a little ! Super horny today … :sexes460:[PDF][/PDF]

    I’m feeling awesome today thank you very much.

    This thread caught my attention. Ms.leelawadee. Is there another one? Weird.
    I’ve dealt with depression since my younger years. My dad spent five years in combat. Typical drug addict alcoholic now. My mom is Latin, typical hot head wino. I grew up over compensating to try to please these people. I love them and have a modest relationship with them, but when see them I have anxiety and an immediate feeling of guild–like I’ve done something wrong. They’re separated and have been since I was a child. Depression may be a result of my relationship with them.

    That’s the single most important reason I use tramadol, depression. I read an article where tramadol is tested to treat depression actually. I’ll look for the link. Anyway, I started and stopped college until my thirties. The older I got the worse I felt about my feeble accomplishments and my dependence on my parents. I stumbled onto tramadol and it transformed my life…. In a major way…. I quit drinking, I slapped my bachelors of science in the face and pocketed the diploma, I moved to Thailand (something I’ve wanted to do for years), I’m married to a medical doctor, I enjoy my freedom nearly depression free, I teach at a university. I attribute this fully to tramadol helping me to feel the positive drive needed to accomplish these feats depression free.

    This being said, I’m physically addicted to tramadol. Where I go it goes. I’m fully dependent on it. I don’t feel guilty or ashamed even a tiny bit. Fuchs the stigma given to us from our western culture. We get this while the powers that be condemn the little people for acts that PALE in comparison to their evil actions. NO FUCKING THANK YOU! I am not ashamed. I thrive. Just being real here. Oh…… And I sell prescription drugs online to a community of about 60 people…..






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Forums The Vibe Chat So [username], how are you feeling today?