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  • That’s what all addicts are told 12 steppers or not.

    @Gylfì Guðbjörnsson 591359 wrote:

    I don’t judge addiction by going to rehab/therepy etc. Addiction is a fucked up thing.

    I guess I’m jaded on the whole deal for getting tagged as dual diagnosis my first hospital stay when it was patently obvious it was drug induced psychosis
    @Tryptameanie 591397 wrote:

    That’s what all addicts are told 12 steppers or not.

    just seems like some people get roped into the recovery business who aren’t really addicts, just displaying addictive tendencies, I don’t classify myself as an addict, just not who I am. Not trying to deny addiction as real and perencious just wish there were more effective modalities of treatment besides NA/AA or talking to a social worker/case manager or a psychatrist, seems to be a less than complete paradigm.

    At some point doesn’t the addict fully recover?

    Not my best day. I have ups and downs like any bi-polar freak

    Bi=polar people are not freaks mate, they are people, just like the rest of us 🙂

    DB are you saying you misused drugs and have now stopped using by not going to rehab or using any treatment programs?

    If so perhaps you are not an addict, but how long have you been in recovery? I got around 15 months clean time and recently relapsed, my story from the first time I used a mind altering substance and my path since then clearly states to me I am an addict. Getting severely ill from drugs never made me stop, almost dying 3 times didn’t make me stop, even getting 15 months clean and being majorly involved in treatment programs and even working at a treatment center has led me back to drugs totally destroying so many good things I built up in my life. I lost my studies, my job, my home, all my hobbies, the room I spent over a year decorating all gone because my addict took over again. I hope you’re correct and you are not an addict, because if you’re in the future you may have to accept this fact to find a solution to quit. Because a true addict will-power and trying to do it alone just doesn’t seem to work, at some point people tend to relapse, and people who have serious addiction problems the statistics are fucking grim for relapse rates and being involved in a treatment center for 18 months I can tell you from my own experience about 1 out of 20 people manage to find total abstinence from all drugs. I have also in that time experienced at least 5 people I knew quite well die too.

    Though interestingly it seems people who do get abstinence do tend to be smokers and coffee drinkers which I always found bullshit, which is partly why I began using light substances as I am not a fan of caffeine or smoking (sober, quite like them on other drugs).

    I think some people just have to smash the shit out of themselves so much to the point where drugs just do not work anymore and they’ve wasted so much life there is just no point in using for them anymore.

    Anyways, good luck to you bro, like I say I hope you aren’t a proper addict, because if so, at some point you’ll be wondering why you’re sitting there feeling like shit on a comedown wondering wtf happened, it’s not a good feeling.

    Yea haven’t used anything since ~2012 without outside assistance to quit, but to be honest in comparison to some of ya’ll my peak of substance usage from 2008-2010 probably doesn’t really stack up just alot of rolling & tripping and daily marijuana although I dabbled in other substances and from the start of 2011 to early 2012 I was trying to figure it all out but was having troubles with spice but that caught a blanket ban in my state so its no longer an issue. TBH the only thing I had real real troubles with was NO2 at one point my nitrous cracker was like my most prized posession as sad/weird as that sounds, but during my last hospital stay it got removed from my room at my home. I’m sure if I started in on the nitrous I’d go down the drain pretty quick so in that respect I am an addict. But then you have to get into the schemantics of whether NO2 is a drug or not and what have you and my personal situation becomes a little murky. As far as hard drug users and addiction I just kinda feel like that guy who got court ordered to AA but was just a social drinker who got a DUI or something like that. I can’t say I’ve nearly died or had substances adversely affecting my physical health, mental health is another ball of wax, I’ve ran into plenty of psychosises that were probably sub related but unfortuantely the treatment paradigm for those is the same deal, just replace the word recovery with remission. Its like I woke up one day and was no longer schizophrenic but rather had just had a bunch of experiences of a schizophrenic but I’m not longer invested in the schizophrenia so therefore I’m not schizophrenic.

    As far as being sub free its just how it is for me now, not out of will power or what not but just that don’t drink coffee, had 2 beers at a house party around Halloween (not even sure why I was there) but other than that I can’t remember the last time I had a drink, bought myself an e-cig a few months ago as a novelty but the will to use it just isn’t there haven’t smoked green in who knows how long… Not to say I don’t have day dreams about getting off antipsychotic medication (perhaps thats my addiction and I like being on a CNS depressant and can’t come to terms with it) and maybe lighting up a J here and there, but I’m trying to finish my degree (school is damn hard on antipsychotics, maybe moreso than on some more common substances) and then reassess the whole situation when I’m not $$$ dependent on my parents and can take a little more efficacy over my care or decision to leave treatment or what have you.

    I feel like this is getting deep and heavy, but thanks for reading.

    I’m doing GREAT ! Y’s my name in the header of this forum ? I’m still enjoying my herbal incense as always. I’m looking 2 try new form’s of herbal incense like the e liquid that’s out there now. I’m loving the new year F*** last year’s chem’s.

    I’ve come off or reduced to normal levels my worst drugs of abuse. Alcohol, which after maybe 15-17uears, I can now sit with a few beers instead of trying to get down as much vodka as I could all day every day. I seriously expected that stuff to be what killed me. I know this may not stay they case but I don’t think you need to label yourself a ju8nk9ie ir alcoholic or substance misuser for life because people can and do change.

    Total abstinence is a far greater and safer option but one you are far less likely to realistically succeed at. If you after a long time feel you have enough control to have 1 drink and leave iat that then why not? If you carry on you were wrong but you knew it was a possibility and you now know you aren’t ready. If you don’t take the drink you’ll sit there all the time drinking different stuff to everyone else begause some program has drummed it into their heads that they are addict and prone to abuse and only lifelong reming yourself you are powerless over the drgs/alcohol and always will be.

    We don’ty even tell that sort of shit to rape victims, they don’t say look, it’s done now and unless you think about being raped every day then you might get raped again. No, we teach them to cope and discussn the issues that got them there in the 1st place which is sadly the least available resource of most treatment centres but they can work wonders.

    I agree with both of you on some points, apart from your’s p0lski 😉

    After nearly going in to nuclear melt down today, I met with friends and chilled out, calming me down and taking my mind off of beating up the idiot who build my banks website.

    Now I’m wide awake and not happy about it as I want to sleep but fear I’ve gone past that point…….Time for a wee pile of sublingual Xerxes I think, might be silly and do a 4 day sleep does, doubt I will but it does interest me.

    Hey Sam, let me know if you try any of the c liquid. I was looking at Research Chemistry UK or Pure Chems as they both have the liquid to vape. Just wanted to know if they are any good? As they don’t ship to the states, I do work with a Hondorus and Mexican that have family back home and they ship there. Appreciate it.

    Sorry about that post that was to be a reply to samtherocker123, well since I’m typing here. I don’t know what’s wrong with me, my give a damn is broken. I not interested in anything anymore, 1 minute I feel fine next minute my heart starts racing like I can run a marathon and I didn’t sign up. I been sober for 10 months now and don’t feel any better physically well maybe in the mornings with no hangovers. I think if one more person tells me to “suck it up” I’m gonna grab one of my kids baseball bats and break there legs and tell them to “walk it off”!!! Again sorry about that other post ,really knew to all this.


      excenllent is not enogh, feeling perfect and wiil stay happy



        Tired in the head, so good night :alien_abd

        pretty naughty…how about u?






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      Forums The Vibe Chat So [username], how are you feeling today?