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So what happened on saturday night. tripping and meditating…!

Forums Drugs Trip Reports So what happened on saturday night. tripping and meditating…!

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  • @manaman 434379 wrote:

    iv’e a few things to say on this but i’ll need the weekend when im off as its hard to post seriously

    i can’t wait honestly.

    special request

    I have always liked to sit in bed just a candle lit even if im reading, and from time to time have felt what you discribe above.But everytime the next day id have a really bad pain in my head and be in an angry mood, which after the first couple of times i just ignored it.That chi they talk about is real, and not sitting correctly, propably caused a blockage and the resulting headaches.I’ve had a book on meditation 7 years now, that i dusted off a while back, called; An unentangled knowing, by Upasaka kee Nanayon, which i now intend to take seriously On the realization you had, and later read about, this came about through intent.I read up on taoism in 02’ish, and most of what i read i already knew, how?, to be raised a moron like me and know these things?There is an energy in intent, when i first decided to be a vegan, the very next day i turned a corner onto shop st galway, and two fine australian girls had a stall up, about how we treat kangeroos, they went to show it to me on a laptop and i said i already knew and that i intended to become a vegan, they said that they were vegan too and were all over me, result.But there is an energy in intent, you will meet people and things will unfold in strange ways, and know things that you’ll say how did i know that? It comes from intent.Now if you dont mind i have my room that i’ve intended to clean all month and it doesnt look like anyone is going to do it for me.

    I cant edit my posts. In the above post it should read- everytime the next day id have a really bad pain in my head.The subtitle in that book says; lessons in training the mind. If your training your mind, how can it be free?

    Ur training you mind to let go of things (amongst other stuff). 😉

    Imagin a locked door, and you don’t know how to use a key. You’d need training on how to use the key. Now you can open the door at will.

    manaman…. please use paragraphs, it’s so hard to read. probably a good thing anyway so i don’t bother.

    @p0ly 450971 wrote:

    manaman…. please use paragraphs, it’s so hard to read. probably a good thing anyway so i don’t bother.

    He uses his phone to wright on pv .. I don’t think it’s as easy to post large bits of text from a phone as it is on a pc.

    @DaftFader 450973 wrote:

    He uses his phone to wright on pv .. I don’t think it’s as easy to post large bits of text from a phone as it is on a pc.

    i’m sure it’s not as easy but phones can make paragraphs. i could do it on that shitty lg chocolate which broke 2 days after shambala.

    @p0ly 450971 wrote:

    manaman…. please use paragraphs, it’s so hard to read. probably a good thing anyway so i don’t bother.

    When your writing, and you drop the line like this,It doesnt accually do it, you have to come back on it, put the flashing dot where you want to drop the line down, and press the drop down button.But i can only see 3/4 lines, and i cant see to the end of the line,I have to scroll across to read it.But if i post it i can see the intire text, and edit it from there,but the edit button wouldnt work.Though i see that when im replying with quote, i can see about fourteen lines.But even then you can only see three lines on the phone when your useing the qwerty keyboard.And i keep pressing the wrong key, like t instead of y, b instead of g, i accually pressed b there.I find it difficult to write reasonable posts, you have to be in the kind of mood where your calm and not rush the text.This is the first forum i started posting on, and was amazed i wasnt banned after every post.I had quit smoking and couldnt use the qwerty fucker for the life of me,It coming up to chrismas i was broke and out of work,and woke up one night and said, ‘Anton chigur has a point’, Im sorry for the way i was with gaza, i thought he just didnt want to except the furher that lies ahead off people his age

    @manaman 450994 wrote:

    When your writing, and you drop the line like this,It doesnt accually do it, you have to come back on it, put the flashing dot where you want to drop the line down, and press the drop down button.But i can only see 3/4 lines, and i cant see to the end of the line,I have to scroll across to read it.But if i post it i can see the intire text, and edit it from there,but the edit button wouldnt work.Though i see that when im replying with quote, i can see about fourteen lines.But even then you can only see three lines on the phone when your useing the qwerty keyboard.And i keep pressing the wrong key, like t instead of y, b instead of g, i accually pressed b there.I find it difficult to write reasonable posts, you have to be in the kind of mood where your calm and not rush the text.This is the first forum i started posting on, and was amazed i wasnt banned after every post.I had quit smoking and couldnt use the qwerty fucker for the life of me,It coming up to chrismas i was broke and out of work,and woke up one night and said, ‘Anton chigur has a point’, Im sorry for the way i was with gaza, i thought he just didnt want to except the furher that lies ahead off people his age

    Say sorry to gaza personally, he might very much appreciate it as he really does dislike you and his life is in a bad place right now.

    It didnt do what i wanted, but hopefully its better than the other one.Also that job that i got up on the westfeild site the week before chrismas.I started the monday, fell out with them on the tuesday and got ran 8:30 wednesday morning.I didnt feel like mentioning it at the time.And on seeing the life thats layed out for you;Down in bristol there was a boy about 10 and the next thing he’s about 17 and starting to work with us,like it was natural that he should, and i didnt want to be apart of that, i hav’nt hung around those people or people like that since 1993

    i must go to bristol, this calls me a bristol thread.






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Forums Drugs Trip Reports So what happened on saturday night. tripping and meditating…!