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Spirit and Sleepless Free Party

Forums Rave Free Parties & Teknivals Spirit and Sleepless Free Party

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  • Hello Everyone,

    Just a reminder that Spirit and Sleepless are throwing a free party this Saturday, 23rd June, at The Viaduct, which is on the corner of Parry Street and South Lambeth Place, Vauxhall, London SW8. Doors open at 10pm and the party rocks until 6am. DJ’s include myself, Ian Betts, Steve Hitch and Steve Bell. The music is Uplifting Euphoric House from start to finish. Free membership is available to both Sleepless and Spirit, so for a quality night out, on the mega-cheap, make sure you get down there.

    As we have not had time to do a mail out for this party, we would appreciate you spreading the word about this Free Party, either by forwarding this mail to your friends, colleagues and mailing lists, and by telling everyone you bump into. You cannot beat word of mouth can you.

    If you have any enquiries, give us a call on 07956 475170.

    Muchos Regardos,

    Rob and Annette






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Forums Rave Free Parties & Teknivals Spirit and Sleepless Free Party