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  • I’m trying to find a place in london where I can go and practise martial arts with a partner in bad weather. I’m thinking a sports hall of some kind but have no idea if you can just goto halls like this and use them for what ever you like, as opposed to using them for what ever they have to offer there. Any one know if there are places like this, or know where any are.

    I’d search on google but am a bit stuck on what to search for.

    mucho gratsi

    hmm if they don’t come upon sports halls how about asking at your local community hall or martial arts centre

    Googletry that as a starting point anyway though its maybe not exactly what you have in mind

    I was gonna say the same as Raj, or church hall type places, but I’m not sure if they will due to health and saftey laws etc these days….

    what about a local boxing club? they may let you use space..?

    Well the thing is I’m wanting to train with someone who lives the other side of london .. so can’t just pop in local places, it’ll have to be somewhere in centeral london .. or a centeralish location.

    I’m not really looking to hire the whole hall, that’s the problem .. i just want to use a hall, don’t mind paying a few quid to a sports center for example … but I just wasn’t sure if they had times when you could go into there hall and use it for what ever you wanted or not.

    I’m thinking I might just have to sit down with the yellow pages and phone each place one by one to ask if they do that kinda thing.

    ta for ideas. 🙂






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Forums Life Sports & Exercise Sports halls