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staving off sickness

Forums Drugs Heroin & Opium staving off sickness

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  • Iv been an addict for many years now but the question i have is, is it better to smoke or inject heroin to keep the sickness away for longer

    It;s better to get off heroin mate.

    Im waiting to get into treatment and im trying to keep my use down so trying to figure out which is best so im using less.. P.S. no need to be so smart.!!

    Sorry mate but if you had any sense you’d know you’;re gonna get sick anyway and it would appear most addicts inject so that looks like your choice. As an addict wouldn’t you already know which of the 2 works best or are you just considering injecting to help you cut down?

    i’d assume smoking but i don’t really know or have any reasoning, why don’t you experiment and find out?

    more so than route of administration it is probably the amount consumed that determines the severity and onset of withdrawal

    Jesus man try plugging before injecying.

    @tryptameanie 971484 wrote:

    Jesus man try plugging before injecying.

    i’m sure he’s already injected plenty so kinda late to backtrack to plugging, no?

    Well he’s not gonna backtrack to sniffing is he/

    i was injecting for years but have gotten myself back to smoking the last 2yrs or so, iv been limiting myself to a bag a day ‘smoking’ for about 2weeks now but it doesnt hold me and im trying not to use any more than a bag because thats what the treatment center wants people on before they will accept them so thats why im trying to find out which will stave off the sickness the longest

    tryptameanie the reason most addicts inject is because it is an instant high and a more intense high towards smoking

    Yes I understand that, but as with most drugs, using the ROA that gives the quickest onset and most intensity also tends to last the shortest. By that logic snorting would be better, but he’s asking if he should continue injecting which he surely already knows the answer too.






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Forums Drugs Heroin & Opium staving off sickness