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“substance abuse policy”

Forums Drugs “substance abuse policy”

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  • the factory i work at has brought in a “substance abuse policy” they
    want everyone to sign this form so they can random test people. myself
    and a lot of other people have refused to sign this form,i have heard
    the “office staff” will not be tested and fell this is not a
    factory with over 500 staff,this is a lot of “office staff”.We feel we
    are being victimized,my question is “what is the law on this” can they
    make us sign this form,what about invasion of our privacy,the human
    rights law ,etc etc. what are my rights. if you can’t answer this, can
    you direct me to any sites were i might find this infomation. thank in

    les carroll (

    interesting question…although of course the question goes much wider than just drugs. This is about employment law. I’m no
    expert, but it may even have ‘human rights’ implications if it contravenes european law – maybe the ‘privacy’ element. Bear in mind that the current political climate is all about testing – Keith hellawell would test govt. ministers, given half a chance. Thinking the unthinkable, again. I’d recommend getting proper legal representation. If you’re in a
    union, contact them. I’ll assume from the email address that you’re in the UK. You could try Release
    to get ‘phone number, they will help. do let us know what happens…

    …no, the ‘human rights act’ angle has already been tried, without success. nice idea tho’

    …no, the ‘human rights act’ angle has already been tried, without success. nice idea tho’






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Forums Drugs “substance abuse policy”