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That potent drink i was talking about

Forums Life Food & Drink That potent drink i was talking about

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  • Here is my official, unofficial recipe (note this is an alcoholic drink but can be made without the alcohol)


    “Good Morning You Brew”; Lemon arnald palmer:
    Brews 4, 8-12 oz servings


    -Tea leaves (or pre-packaged tea bags)
    -your favorite legal bud (one that calms you rather then perks you up)
    -Lemonaid (premade or fresh squeezed)
    -caffeine pills/capsules/powder (whatever you have available or can buy cheaply)
    -Vodka (preferrably grey goose)
    -bowl (something to mix the herbs in)
    -coffee filters (or equivalent)
    -Tea kettle (something to make your tea in, that will not clog or break)
    -weed resin (we are looking for something that contains THC)
    -a few glasses/mugs/heat resistant containers


    step one: fill kettle to a safe amount, and place over heat. Bring to a boil (my kettle only brews safely 32oz)

    step 2: place caffeine in boiling water and keep an eye out for a film to form on top of the water.

    step 3: rip open tea bags open, and pour into a bowl, along with your legal bud, and resin, toss lightly or even crush to aggitate it

    step 4: toss in the herbs from the bowl into the boiling water in the kettle, then reduce the heat to bring from a boil to a light simmer, stir constantly in various direction to aggitate the brew and help release the colors and chemicals into the water.

    step 5: prepare your glasses with 1-2 shots of vodka mixed over ice and lemonaid. (ice is optional if you prefer to sip on warm tea)

    Step 6: Place 1-2 coffee filters over your container/glass/mug and distribute equally amongst the containers

    Step 7: add sweetener to your liking (not too much, but enough to take away some of the bitterness and add a hint of sweetness.

    Optional steps before you serve:

    Step X: wet the rim of the glass with water and dip into granulated sugar

    Step X: slice a lemon into thin slices and place a slice on the rim of the glass

    Step X: add a small drop of food coloring to rele mix up things

    Step 8: Serve and enjoy responsibly =)

    Note this is a very universal recipe that i came up with, it can be made minty, non-alcoholic, lime, orange, with shrooms rather then thc, etc

    if you would like the exact way to make it into any of those forms, please, post so in a comment, and i will be sure to add it in. =P

    and for those who are wondering, dude, where did you think of this? as a child, my father was a liquor store manager, and i used to hang out in the bar and drink all the soda i could drink, and watched as people made drinks. Oh, and through trial and error. =P

    This is a very fun, party drink. Do not, under any circumstances attempt to drive or operate any machinery under the influence of this substance. =P

    You have been warned. Now enjoy and impress all your friends with this drink

    sounds tasty, but not sure about the caffeine in that concoction – reckon I’d rather have a vodka & tonic and smoke some decent weed.

    Yeah, the caffeine is just something i added in it so id be able to add the goodmorning to its name. =P (cus although the tea leaves have natural caffeine in em, it just doesnt seem to be enough to kick it up) and like i said, its universal, soooo, give er take a few things, it still makes a good ol party drink mix.

    for example:

    When iv mixed this drink at a party, people were skeptical about it. So i made a sampler of each brew, and found this to be one of the most successful ones. It goes great around the table with a bubbler bong running. Uhm, here seems to be peoples fav ones, if you want one of the recipes, lemme know. =P

    1: the classic lemon one that i posted above
    2: the lime one that used shrooms instead of THC
    3: the fizzy one thats great for having a few laughs over (like a gin and tonic almost)
    4: the shot version of the lime one
    5: the shot version of the lemon one

    I also had rolled a few samplers around of my weed mixes. the one that went over best, i ended up throwing in the bubbler for everyone to share


    you are aware thc isn’t water soluble and has to bind to fat to be absorbed right?

    Well jeebus christ wev got a proper mary jane chemist tiltin the thread.

    Yes, i am aware of this, does not this mean the thc cant be extracted via the aggrivation deprivation porpaganda? I mean for fucks sake man, let this be, bwhahaha.

    The thc from the maryjane whilst not water soluble can be brought out via agrivation of the leafs forming somewhat of a film on top of the water, this being bound with the caffeine, jeebus, iv lost all train of thot, thanks alot matey. =P

    blimey, why in the hell am i talkin like this…<.<

    i mean, sure, maybe that high came from smoking the weed in accessive amounts via bubbler

    hell. Idk

    but my shroom one definately seemed to kick off next to the thc one… which btw, the thc one, did in fact contain thc (dunt ask) via test results (simple drug test would show)

    But anywho, i mainly mix the shroom one, cus its much more enjoyable to smoke a joint full of yer favorite weed, then to drink a brew that contained thc in some extent. Thus the shroom one just seems to be the fav of the favs

    ya followin here mate?

    Im either on some serious mind altering substance, or my poor scientist test results are not accurate in any form of way. But that not being the case, i have absolutely no doubt, that the thc content in the resin was infact delivered via the drink as well as through the leaf form we had smoked after while.

    now where was i again? Shit, iv lost meself within meself again…


    sorry about that, i tend to get carried away within nothing at time…

    this being one of em..

    what i was trying to explain in that last outburst of a post is:

    whilst thc is in fact not water soluble it did in fact get ingested from the mixture in some form or another, dunno how to explain it, my assumption is that it bound itself within another compound within the drink, allowing it to be absorbed…=P

    Weed, alcohol and caffeine? Wow potent drink huh?.. lol..






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Forums Life Food & Drink That potent drink i was talking about