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  • Check this out, god bless the British Army!!


    LOL haven’t seen that one before there’s another that has one or two troops trying to tackle an assault course, probably memory slip on my behalf but I’m sure when one got to the wall scramble he decided quite rightly that walking round it was easier :groucho:

    how can you be any use to queen & country if you take these drugs that make you climb trees and talk to the birds rather than blow peoples heads off, gods were slackers!?!

    I reckons all disputes between countries ought to be settled by 50 a side paintball on acid sessions :crazy:

    mudstomper wrote:
    I reckons all disputes between countries ought to be settled by 50 a side paintball on acid sessions :crazy:

    this i would pay to watch


    mudstomper wrote:
    I reckons all disputes between countries ought to be settled by 50 a side paintball on acid sessions :crazy:

    That would be the bollocks

    haha…..and these men were supposed to be fighting for our country?:you_crazy

    Its a funny film (the state the comms operators got into makes me think of what happens to partylines here :groucho:) but it also shows you why you should treat acid with respect

    it might do that to trained soldiers with loads of agression inside them but I’ve seen the flipside- it can make relatively peaceful people become violent – at one NYE party in my old city it caused two of my oldest friends to fight over a 6 year old grudge we all thought had been forgotten about, and I’ve heard of other similar horror stories..

    I’d like to one day see the actual case notes about the project (although I bet they are highly classified)- in particular about the bloke who didn’t seem to be enjoying himself.

    It doesn’t actually look like he’s properly freaking out and has to be restrained or anything like that, he still seems in control of himself and its more like he’s just worried because the rest of his unit (including the officers) have lost their discipline.

    IMO it seems more as if he’s thinking “christ on a bike, if this was a real war and the enemy is advancing we’d just get fucking massacred”…






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Forums Drugs LSD & Other Psychedelic Drugs The Army and LSD