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The George Monbiot Fashion Poll

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  • It looks like eco-campaigner George Monbiot is experimenting with different fashions these days… why not – like most progressive chaps in their 30s-40s he’s managed to mix intelligence, strength of character and physical strength (he cycles miles every week as well as looking after an allotment) and keeping up with trends…

    so which of his current looks would you rather go for? Interested to hear from all genders – whether its us blokes looking for fashion ideas or whether the “modern progressive young lady” would be attracted by such a man…

    which look would you go for?

    1. Friendly “trendy teacher”



    2. Sharp Suited Grauniad Man?


    I’d have to go for the “trendy teacher” look myself – the Grauniad Man pic looks a bit intimidating (perhaps to make him a bit like Paxman) but he ends up looking like Whitehall boss Sir Gus O’Donnell (head of the Home Civil Service)

    Neither. He’s just a guy wearing a shirt and trousers.

    A teacher at my old school would regulary come in with mad hangovers, scruffy and once went on the lash with another teacher who came back to school with a black eye.

    Now that’s trendy!

    I can’t see the first pic…………..

    this is because the pic is on our gallery and workplace filters are blocking it

    assuming environmental activism sites are not blocked at your workplace,
    a bigger version can be found here

    the biggest difference is that it looks like he has been forced into “formal business wear” for the grauniad photo.

    Despite the larger application of hair dye I think the dark suit and tie actually ages him considerably – and he does not come across as the sort of person who would habitually wear a suit and tie….

    I only wear a tie myself because its “expected” where I work; however you would expect the Grauniad to give their columnists a bit more personal freedom?

    Definately the teacher look. He looks far more approachable, interesting and friendly that way.






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Forums Life Clothing & Fashion The George Monbiot Fashion Poll