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This Future of Shadows and Vapor?

Forums Drugs Cigarettes, Smoking & Tobacco This Future of Shadows and Vapor?

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  • To what end do we travel this road of vapor glory?

    These new devices are easy to use and easy to access. They smell good, taste good and might as well be candy to some. Have we just opened a Pandora’s Box with these new innovative devices? Kids love them. Pregnant women feel less guilty using them. The expected normative of society thrives on trends and complacency. Traditional cigarettes are a bold testament to this. Down which path does this new phenomenon lead us? Have we broken free of the dirtiest habit in the world just to forge a new road of destruction and chains?

    Is it really possible to clean our homes, cars and work places up? Is it possible to put a dent in the $200 billion wasted each year on tobacco related incidents? Is it possible to embrace a future where one fifth of the planet has moved on from cigarettes? Is it possible to reclaim the 10 years of life loss as suggested by the CDC?

    The pros are blatantly clear and overwhelmingly convincing. It’s the cons that are vague and ambiguously documented.

    How many reasons can you think of to invest in vapor solutions? How many reasons can you think of not to? And why?






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Forums Drugs Cigarettes, Smoking & Tobacco This Future of Shadows and Vapor?