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  • Guys do any of you had a bad trip ? You wanna tell us about it , how was it and why was it so bad. What kind of E you took . Perhaps you can put up some pictures of your trip or something .

    DTRiPzX wrote:
    Guys do any of you had a bad trip ? You wanna tell us about it , how was it and why was it so bad. What kind of E you took . Perhaps you can put up some pictures of your trip or something .

    ive only had a bad trip on acid, was rather confusing and really not quite sure exactly what was happenin but it made me cur up in a ball and cry for a bit til my friend helped me.

    if you do enough drugs, you’re bound to have a bad one at some point. i’ve never freaked out too bad on hallucenogens, but i had to stop doing pills because they were fucking me up and the comedowns were lasting 5-7 days. which is not worth it.

    i think my worst experience was being given a ketamine laced exstacy pill…my head wanted to dance, my legs couldnt manage; my legs wanted to sit, my head couldn’t manage…nightmare.

    @USE]i think my worst experience was being given a ketamine laced exstacy pill…my head wanted to dance, my legs couldnt manage my legs wanted to sit, my head couldn’t manage…nightmare.[/QUOTE wrote:

    does just sound like a normal time on ketamine (really not fan)






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