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Tripping out when I take pills?

Forums Drugs Trip Reports Tripping out when I take pills?

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  • I’ve done e like 5 times and the first time I did it i had an amazing time even just sitting in my boyfriend’s room with him while he was falling asleep all night.

    The second time I took twice as much (2 pills) and barely felt a thing, I just felt like crap and sat around a whole bunch at my very first rave!

    Then the time after that I had a sort of bad roll and after everyone told me there was PCP in those pills and that’s probably the reason I didn’t have a great time.

    The time after that i completely lost myself and asked to go to the hospital (probably 2CB in those) I felt horrid the whole time. Both times I didn’t have a good time i’m pretty sure they were quad stacks. Then I took a pill a while after that and barely rolled at all. I try to tell people that I can’t really handle my drugs and I fell like i should take half a pill if it’s more than a double stack because i’m only like 100 pounds and i feel like quad stacks are wayyyy too much for me.

    Just wondering if it’s possible that i need weaker pills or could the freaking out be due to the minor ritalin abuse problem i had before i rolled the two times that weren’t fun.

    Another question is, are most people more likely to have a bad time if they are just sitting around? Because both times my friends just wanted to sit around and i think that caused my freak outs.

    Please answer and be nice, i’ve been afraid to roll for a long time because those two times were so bad.

    In my opinion it sounds like your not getting MDMA in your pills, you should invest in a testing kit and another thing there is no such thing as double or quad stacks, this is just dealers talk trying to make theyre pills sound better. I suggest you find a reputable dealer and even checking pill id’s on pillreports will help.

    I hope your rolls can improve 🙂

    Thanks! I’ve heard i’ve heard before that there aren’t such things as stacked pills but I wasn’t sure! I will definitely try to invest in a testing kit soon.

    it is possible to trip out from mdma. .

    i was trippin pretty hard the last time i took it (not the same as lsd hallucinations etc), did a stupid sized bomb and basically just monged out unable to moove and just stared at the corner of the ceiling for ages, when i shut my eyes properly i got loads of images of people and places zooming at me at 100mph, it wasnt that enjoyable tbh as i really thought i had done too much

    @cozmic 448460 wrote:

    it is possible to trip out from mdma. .

    i was trippin pretty hard the last time i took it (not the same as lsd hallucinations etc), did a stupid sized bomb and basically just monged out unable to moove and just stared at the corner of the ceiling for ages, when i shut my eyes properly i got loads of images of people and places zooming at me at 100mph, it wasnt that enjoyable tbh as i really thought i had done too much

    Yes but i find its only really from high doses that you hallucinate because a small amount of the mdma is converted into mda so you have a high dose of mdma then you have enough mda to hallucinate, although the OP is only saying he did 2 pills? which woudln’t really be enough to hallucinate like that which is why i think he is getting other stuff in his pills

    stop taking pills at your age. i wouldn’t recommend pills to anyone to be honest especially a newbie in the scene who’ll pop anything they’re given more likely from bad sources.

    could be 2ci or similar? have tripped out big time on them having taken one not knowing

    not really related but i noticed you’re from denver.. i love it there <3

    Thanks everyone, (btw i’m a girl lol) I’m pretty sure it was probably a combination of getting too much and getting a bunch of stuff i wasn’t expecting. I don’t buy from that guy anymore. I’m trying to get some from these people i really trust and i got my first pills from which were awesome!

    thanks for clearing that up cheetowoman

    If you’re going to do E only ever buy from a reliable source. Not some guy in a trenchcoat with a heavy limp and a glass eye hanging round an alley round the back of a club. And yes you certainly can trip from MD if the gear is pure enough, you take a large enough dose and individual sensitivity to the drug is also a factor. Im not suggesting you use it to induce hallucinations though, thats why nature gave us hallucinagens. Plus can be intense scary stuff, my mate once morphed into a haggard freaky merman, looked like the mangled fishman from house of 1000 corpses more than anything. And MDMA can be enjoyed in a chilled relaxing stmosphere or a hectic party. I think there’s a slight misconception (amongst youngsters) on the high to expect as well due to people eating crappy speed filled pills being labelled as E by dealers. On speed you constantly fidget and feel the need to do something to amuse yourself where as with MD you can almost enjoy it as if it’s an opiate, just lay motionless for the duration of the high enjoying the rushes surge through your body. 😀

    Hope you find this useful. Peace

    Back in the late eighties and early nineties, quite a lot of the pills were quite trippy. I remember these triple exes, they were rushy as hell but highly hallucinogenic and then into the nineties there were the infamous snowballs (aka little white bastards) practically spherical but with a flat edge going all the way round. These were clearly NOT MDMA but were excellent party pills, you smacked out bigtime when you sat down, with your eyes rolling and your jaw going bigtime and then rushed your ass off when you were up and dancing, but the whole time you were tripping balls.

    I’m beginning to learn that “rolling” is some kind of US slang for getting pilled up. Why rolling?

    Yeah the rolling thing has got me a bit confuzzled too. Where im from if somebody is rolling you expect a spliff to be passed your way soon. Also I got some ridiculously trippy Es available atm, seems Ebeneezor is making a return. Theses things had me trippin for longer and more intense than acid, I have a holographic poster of bob marley and it looks like hes strummin a guitar as you look at it from different angles. However when Ebeneezor is in my system he jams away while im sat still and on one particular ocassion bob kept changing colour and shape. To name but a few he took on the shape of alan sugar, death, my friend who was sat next to the poster (total head fuck) and perhaps most memorably marty from shameless holding a porcupine complete with tourettes tics, thats marty not the porcupine that had tourettes lol. Also spent well over an hour watching my aquarium before realising it was my lava lamp lol, I dont and never have had any fish.

    Yeah, thinking about it, I’ve tripped out on pills lots.

    I remember at this do we did in a disused Royal Mail sorting office asking my mate why they had bothered to airbrush the picture of the American soldier with the tiny Vietnamese girl holding onto his webbing/gear onto the ceiling?

    His reply? What? That scortch mark on the ceiling?

    Hahaha I’ve tripped dumb shit like that so many times on E. The most recently hilarious and also quite dangerous was about a month ago. Havin bit of a shindig at mine and me and my mate were on full beam. He went to get a drink from kitchen and came sat across from me on the floor. As he sat down I passed him a bottle opener for his drink and we both got an electric shock. So as you do when you’re off your head and dont understand something you repeat it wanting the expected outcome, again we both got a shock. We shocked each other several times and began to find it amusing. When we called someone else over but we couldnt shock them we were convinced the pills had enabled us to pass an electrical current through each other due to our unique and strong bond, maybe even it was our friendship taking the form of a physical energy.
    Yeah right, dumb cunt had just sat on a live wire HAHAHA






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Forums Drugs Trip Reports Tripping out when I take pills?