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UK : East : 31 year old female fatal OD from alcohol

Forums Drugs Alcohol UK : East : 31 year old female fatal OD from alcohol

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  • many people associate these sorts of incidents with far older people ; it was a bit shocking to see someone relatively young die from alcohol alone (instead of violence, road traffic incidents etc) but the deceased had a history of alcohol problems and could easily have been a heavy drinker for 15 years of more..

    Inquest hears how 31-year-old from Ipswich died after night out drinking – News – Ipswich Star

    Same thing happened to Amy Winehouse. No alcohol for a month or so then a deadly binge. Why alcohol is so tolerated by people when you can literally poison yourself with it in just a few hours is unreal.

    folk here and across the UK tolerate (and TBH in some cases worship) motor cars; which although useful for individual transport kill hundreds when misused, wreck the environment and foster a culture of selfishness; that said society does put a lot more restrictions on them (such as driving licenses, speed limits, breath tests, insurance, taxes etc)

    my experience (livng in the same town) is compared to London or the North of England that alcohol is only tolerated due to tax revenues and when its quietly drunk at home (not in townie places) which are all having more licensing restrictions and being made to close down due to costs.

    Locals here are as judgmental of boozers as of drug users even though its legal and all dlaim to be holier than thou even if they drink themselves. Amongst the native population there are a lot of the more “wingnut” christian religious types remaining here since the Puritan era; sadly not all of them fucked off to America.

    This of course creates a “better to be hanged for a sheep than a lamb” culture amongst those who do drink; leading to incidents such as the above.

    One big difference Ipswich has to many other similar coastal areas of England is that our ports and associated maritime industries are very much active and busy; which means there is a 24/7 business community which brings in more revenue than night life so the town isn’t as dependent on alcohol/drugs culture or tourism (and much tourism here is middle aged Dutch people sailing their yachts to here; under the watchful eyes of Border Force so they don’t try any smuggling)






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Forums Drugs Alcohol UK : East : 31 year old female fatal OD from alcohol