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UK : East : Ipswich’s violent crime hotspots revealed..

Forums Life Law UK : East : Ipswich’s violent crime hotspots revealed..

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  • doesn’t surprise me, and I’m glad this has been exposed, so now the authorities can start taking action…

    I’m sceptical myself as to how much really is due to “drink” and how much to poor impulse control and a culture of “might makes right” within groups of people though (particularly if only 20% are stranger attacks). but if people won’t play nice the state can actually take the playground away from them – wasn’t that long ago town centres shut at midnight, not 2am or 3am and if you were on the streets “too late” cops searched you!

    The hotspots for violent crime in the town can be exclusively revealed today, following data published by Suffolk Police.
    The statistics, released following a Freedom of Information request, show the areas with the highest levels of violent crime are also the sites of some of the town’s most popular pubs and clubs.
    Cardinal Park had the highest number of incidents, with 102 violent crimes reported in 2009/10, which works out at nearly two per week.
    There were 90 incidents in Old Cattle Market, 84 in Northgate Street and 72 in Tacket Street, as well as 76 violent crimes on Norwich Road.
    These range from the most serious offences, such as grievous bodily harm, to threatening behaviour and harassment.
    There was a total of 3,445 violent crimes in the Ipswich area, although Suffolk Police said that almost 80 per cent of these involved people who already knew each other rather than attacks by strangers.
    A police spokesman said: “These are almost all town centre spots so those violent crimes will usually
happen on a Friday or Saturday


    i think the other important point is “80% were people who knew each other”

    an update 2 years later, this has mostly been dealt with only because there are absolutely fuckloads of coppers swarming the streets every weekend in these areas, I usually notice this when I am at the radio station at weekends and go out to get a kebab/burger (must start eating healthier food than that, no wonder broadcast engineers of a certain age tend to be of larger girth).

    Another deterrent is a minor scrap now results in all involved being arrested and they are not processed in town but taken 6.5 miles/10km away to Martlesham and have to get back home at their own expense – so the townies now behave.

    Still won’tt go to any of these places, and TBH I’m glad the drinks there are fucking expensive as it recovers some of the costs of providing all them coppers to nanny the crowds rather than me having to pay extra Council Tax for it…






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Forums Life Law UK : East : Ipswich’s violent crime hotspots revealed..