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UK : East : Local Councillor goes on night time economy patrol with Town Pastors

Forums Life Law UK : East : Local Councillor goes on night time economy patrol with Town Pastors

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  • Interesting insight into how the town centre drinking culture is monitored here. There are no longer any “rave friendly” clubs in Ipswich, because in the past they have attracted less than friendly rival groups of dealers and sketchy idiots who combine stims and booze can still fuck up the atmosphere of such an event by fighting amongst each other and bringing everything on top.

    Although I’m not religious, the Town Pastors do deserve credit – they genuinely do a lot of good in defusing situations but not letting folk get away with scummy behaviour, whilst not using direct physical force like bouncers and cops often have to.

    I didn’t know Ipswich even had an SOS bus…

    As it was the Saturday before Christmas it was expected to be busy and the emergency services were well prepared, with around 30 police officers on town centre duty, also St Johns Ambulance and a SOS bus based at Cardinal Park to give medical treatment.

    I went out on patrol with Paul and Julie, both experienced town pastors. In fact Paul was one of the founding members. We were radioed up so we could hear what was happening and communicate any issues we faced. As soon as we stepped out it became apparent what a good relationships the pastors have with some of the regular revellers. A young lady told us how thankful she was for help she received when worse for wear a few weeks ago. She tried to give some money to say thanks but we advised we could not accept but she could donate on line.
    The majority of people out where good natured and in good spirit. When they see us they ask for a Freddo bar and engage in some light hearted banter. We did attend some incidents that were not so light hearted; we were came across a young man with a nasty gash across his nose after being head butted, we stayed with him until help arrived. We also witnessed a door man being assaulted; the police arrived and arrested the attacker and we gave statements.

    Guest Post: Glen Chisholm samples the Ipswich Night-time economy with the Ipswich Town Pastors « Ipswich Spy

    Just another night at the watering holes… Hey, maybe if people didn’t drink, the authorities couldn’t afford cops. Or councillors. And wouldn’t need either.






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Forums Life Law UK : East : Local Councillor goes on night time economy patrol with Town Pastors