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  • from EADT. Surprisingly lenient penalties compared with other areas – in a similar case in SE England the crews were fined £2,000 per crew (£16,000 in total!)!

    Rave organisers banned from forest
    10 January 2007 | 08:21


    FIVE men have been banned from entering an East Anglian forest for their part in organising an illegal rave which brought misery to people living nearby.

    The five, who admitted staging the rave near Bury St Edmunds, were also banned from attending such events for the next year and ordered to pay hundreds of pounds in court costs.

    District Judge David Cooper, sentencing the five men, said: “This is extreme thoughtlessness. It causes sheer misery to a large number of people who live in dread of just these sorts of events, which ruins their peace of mind and tranquil lives.

    “I know that wasn’t your intention but that’s what such events do. People want to live quietly, that is why they live in these places.”

    The men involved in organising the event were all banned from the King’s Forest following the rave at the isolated village of North Stow, near Elveden, on April 30 last year, which ended in violence after a raid by Suffolk police, magistrates in Bury heard.

    Samuel West, 21, of Little Melton Road in Hethersett, Norfolk, Anthony Hall, 20, of High Street, Brandon, David Graves, 20, of Ash Close, Heathersett, Norfolk, Stephen Singleton, 26, of Pretorial Cottages, West Acre, Norfolk, and Stephen Forster, 20, of Beccles Road, Lowestoft, were all banned from the forest for one year.

    All five pleaded guilty to carrying on an unauthorised licensable activity. They were all banned from attending any unlicensed music events for one year and ordered to pay £300 costs each.

    Hall was put under the supervision of probation officers for the next six months. Singleton and West were both ordered to do 60 hours of unpaid community service

    Adelle Parker, 24 of Magdalan Street, Norwich, and Singleton also admitted resisting or obstructing a constable in the execution of duty as the rave was broken up. Parker was given a conditional discharge and ordered to pay £300 costs.

    Aaron Ward, 19, of Fairland Terrace, Hingham, Norfolk admitted using threatening, abusive or insulting words or behaviour with intent to cause fear of, or to produce violence. He was fined £300 and ordered to pay £300 costs.

    was just about to post that one. yer probably could of been a lot worse for them.

    if i remember it was a certain video that promted the arrest of these dudes. just goes to show how careful we need to be in the current climate

    stax wrote:
    was just about to post that one. yer probably could of been a lot worse for them.

    if i remember it was a certain video that promted the arrest of these dudes. just goes to show how careful we need to be in the current climate

    I was just wondering about that, interesting…

    I expect those who fought the cops would have got arrested on site anyway but the people posting the video on youtube made it easier for cops to track info (I think youtube just handed over the personal details of the poster to the cops), to seize more video equipment and tapes identify more people involved.

    Incidentally despite being a newbie to this area and nowhere near this rather ill-fated party that bank holiday weekend I am well aware of all the fuck-ups that eventually led to this “riot”

    A smaller crew of people and rigs did eventually hold an event but with a fraction of the kit and people, in an area where it just wholly pissed off the farmer.

    All told the people busted did get off quite lightly as some of the original charges they were up for (such as violent disorder) are things you can go to prison for.

    It might not seem like it but compared to what has happened to people elsewhere in the country that was a lucky escape.

    Crews doing parties round these ends need to take more care and put in better organisation next time…

    also the fact that it was held in thetford was only due to even more fuck ups earlier on that night, but thats another story.

    yup more organisation and consideration is the lesson learnt i believe






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Forums Life Law UK : East : "Rave Organisers Banned from Forest"