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UK : East : What they found at the park litterpick recently

Forums Life Environment UK : East : What they found at the park litterpick recently

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  • The local access to nature group was tidying up alderman park and found all this..

    Only 4 syringes though? just shows the economic depression is kicking in hard, the junkies must be reusing them :yakk: surprised that there were no knives, although I guess the youtdem aren’t discarding them after stabbing their enemies as they must get reused too…

    Update on Saturday’s litterpick – our volunteers collected: 25 glass bottles; 93 drinks cans; 5 sacks of general rubbish, including 2 footballs; a car wheel & tyre; a large piece of carpet; 4 syringes. A fantastic haul in one hour’s work – well done!!

    [map]sir alf ramsey way, ipswich, UK[/map]

    ? They found a link to Googlemaps? Oh right, they found a lot of rubbish.

    Have no fear, normal grunge conditions will be restored shortly. Please do not be alarmed at the abnormally high levels of tidiness.

    @Pat McDonald 507449 wrote:

    Have no fear, normal grunge conditions will be restored shortly. Please do not be alarmed at the abnormally high levels of tidiness.

    I’ll try to remain calm, although I can’t promise anything…..

    The google map leaves out half the park but I can’t get a better one yet as the radio station I am working with got kicked out from the refugee centre (where A2N are based) due to budget cuts.

    Something they do here (which might not be the case in other parts of England) is lock off many parks after dusk as otherwise folk go in there for the wrong reasons and not just litter up the place but hurt one another (there have been a number of stabbings in this area). at least people have the sense not to fight in broad daylight as it does result in arrest.

    dropping litter annoys me, esp needles in parks really pisses me off
    there are sin bins and needle exchanges (I think) availiable in most chemists, and drug and alcohol services that people can access

    I am quite fond of wearing no shoes and just going with sandals but the threat of stepping on broken glass or getting pricked by a syringe (even though the chance of actually getting infected by merely being pricked by one is low, you know) force me to be part of the shoe-wearing populace. It sucks. Littering is laziness.






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Forums Life Environment UK : East : What they found at the park litterpick recently