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UK : SW : Yet *more* OD's (some fatal) from strong MDMA pills

Forums Drugs Ecstasy & MDMA UK : SW : Yet *more* OD's (some fatal) from strong MDMA pills

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  • A teenager has died and some young adults taken to hospital in serious condition after taking MDMA in the SW of England.

    Although cops are unable to give full information yet (there need to be more forensic tests) these incident patterns match others where stronger MDMA pills have been on sale.

    If you take MDMA in the UK and Europe, whether you are a young/new user or have taken it for some time; treat all new pills as if they were 4 times stronger than those you might previously have used or have been told about by older friends.

    Take only a quarter of each pill; and wait as long as 2 hours before taking any more.

    This could be the difference between a fun time and/or ending up in the hospital!

    Thanks for the PSA GL!!

    Way better than PMMA pills but still dangerous. I assume the pills have break lines? Stay safe out there England.






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Forums Drugs Ecstasy & MDMA UK : SW : Yet *more* OD's (some fatal) from strong MDMA pills