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  • abrupt wrote:
    i dont think it matters how old you are as long as you enjoy yourself and turn up without attitude,after all free party free people ya gets

    Well said. Its not about age its about attitude and the MUSIC ! !

    any news on whether this is gunna be implemented like, at the top of the forum or on the terms page when you register or summat?


    hey guy and girls, hope everyone is okay. i’ve been out of the country for a while and it sound like i missed some awesome parties in the area… jealous… anyway, just a quickie to say that if anyone gets any info about more in the area can they think of me and let me know. either by private message or email. thanks very much!



    :you_crazy blatently! lol

    rumors are some1 is out nxt wkend

    hmm, its tinfoil helmet day north of the Waveney..

    ok some of you might be having a joke but for those who are more wary/paranoid ask yourselves this..

    why would the cops bother with a costly elaborate deep cover operation to pose as a 19 year old girl; when all they have to do is wait for some moany old curtain-twitcher to call 999 when they see more than 3 cars of young people in certain border areas?

    or the cops could just nick someone who was careless enough to leave a wrap on K on their dashboard, confiscate their mobile and look through the numbers stored in it?

    in fact 99% of the time they don’t even bother with any “proactive” stuff and just wait for the complaints from locals or landowners that happen if a rave is done in a silly place.

    We were all young (or not so young) newbies once, trying to get to our first parties.

    Hell, I was in this situation myself this time last year when the pressures of staying in work forced me to leave my old city and lots of my friends behind and start a new life in a new area; and it was this site which helped me meet a lot of quality new people…

    It did help though that I am well known on here and had a large post count though :groucho:..

    @charliefarley – might be worth chatting to a few more people about stuff like what music you prefer, or any random stuff; it helps people get to know one another and eventually trust one another..

    haha, thats really funny you think im a cop!!! thanks for the advice general lighting! i’m a blunt, straight to the point girl so i didnt think that i should change online!!!!


    charliefarley wrote:
    haha, thats really funny you think im a cop!!! thanks for the advice general lighting! i’m a blunt, straight to the point girl so i didnt think that i should change online!!!!


    fair play 😉

    although it was a bit erm… “forward” for people to claim “OB” squatjuice-style, there is a lotta paranoia, rightly or wrongly – an until people know your online person a bit better, not much info will be passed on i don’t think.

    and i agree with GL, but posting a few times on PV is hardly a “costly elaborate deep cover operation”, could be done by an anti-raver or copper in their spare time… havin sed that i agree for most of it.

    Come to Studio3 in bury this fri- going to be a wicked night and you’ll meet plenty of like minded ravers!

    BioTech wrote:
    Depends what your idea of Free is when its related to free parties.

    Its understandable why they ask for a donation of £5 when you see the sheer size and effort that is put into their do’s. No free party anywhere in the UK comes close to their level of showmanship, effort and organisation.

    And BrainsKan ask for donations anyway. So whats your point?

    the piont is u dont have 2 give doniation if u dont wont 2 u aint made 2 pay but free party crews r well worth the travel
    planet yes do stomping parties i agree but just in shit places like oxborough hall how shit was that 1 ……

    raverbaby wrote:
    All of them?

    yeah mdma is phat but 2 top it off u need acid and 2cb that shit is fucked up if u do it with ket horse trank

    the more recent Planet Yes parties were actually legal!

    They got the new TENS license, 1 for each marquee so they could have around 1000 people.

    I went to the one last October. I have absolutely no idea where it was though, as I had got horrendously pissed at the Silver Star before going there.

    We didn’t have to pay the fiver as we got in through some other entrance where no one was bothered about checking the gate and no one challenged us, but one of the chaps I was with fell in a river on the way (despite being told several times by various people that if he kept on in that direction that there was a river between him and the party :laugh_at::laugh_at:)

    I thought it was OK, but a bit more commercialised than the other free parties I have been to in this area.

    jummy wrote:
    yeah mdma is phat but 2 top it off u need acid and 2cb that shit is fucked up if u do it with ket horse trank

    better to jus find out wat u like by urself rely. loadsa my mates are into mixing things that i dont and vice versa. personally i dont find that k and 2cb mixes at all, much more giggly by itself or mixed wit 2ci :crazy: :crazy:

    Find a raver u actually know who lives around here, n tag along with them. Then wen you get to the party, get as many party lines as u can, and trust me, ther is a party EVRY weekend in east anglia sumwer!






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Forums Rave Free Parties & Teknivals Upcoming Raves