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US : Radio Shack seems to be finally going tits up

Forums Life Computers, Gadgets & Technology US : Radio Shack seems to be finally going tits up

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  • Amazed TBH it lasted that long, although to be fair not everything from there was junk, especially during . the 1980s and the late 1990s.

    Alas, when Rat Shack equipment got sold in UK via the Tandy subsidiary half of it was way overpriced (especially computers in 1980s) although there were also bargains to be had if you looked carefully.

    it was worrying though how the USA management managed to trash a company which wasn’t doing that badly during the late 1990s.

    Maybe there is some stuff in the clearance sale DB and other Americans might be able to make use of (and it would even now be being sold at a reasonable price).

    The closest one to me (like 5 minutes) went belly up a few years back in a mall restructuring/rebranding. All I remember getting there was a pair of Skullcandy over ear speakers that ended up being kinda shit, I replaced them with a really nice pair of Sennheiser that ran maybe a bit more than $100 compared to like $40 for the Skullcandy.

    I’ll maybe check it out as there are three within a 30 minute drive of me right now, a nice set of speakers would be nice.

    I scored a pair of Peter Feynman physics solution books and a yogic commentary on the Gospel’s of Jesus when Border’s Books went out of business in early 2011, which is kind of dissimilar since that was the whole company. It depends if any near me are of the 200 being closed, then I’ll see what I can scoop, I suspect the whole thing will fold eventually.

    I looked into it and two stores within easy driving distance were on the close list, but they’re already closed as of the first week of April.

    What I do find a bit suprising is when I constantly read Trumpf-supporting types bleat “the business of America is business”, that the management of Rat Shack got themselves into this situation when they were doing quite well internationally during most of the 90s, having picked up on the first wave of EDM/DJ culture and young adults being able to afford their own personal AV equipment (rather than being handed down what your Dad had previously bought).

    They had also managed to get a slice of the personal computer market and at the same time CB/amateur radio and hobby electronics never went away and are still popular to this day.

    Then again there is only one remaining electronics retail outlet in most of the UK (Maplins) and they seem to have become a lot more like Tandy to the point of seemingly importing a lot of their former stock. Nowadays a retail outlet is often “last resort” when you want to complete a project or build a system and cannot wait the few days for online ordering, although I’ve picked up bargain “lucky bags” of German ex military surplus components there..

    Madness, all of it lol

    most remainng shops are near enough cleared out, they are now even selling off the shop fittings!


    TBH if I lived in USA and had connections with a hackerspace/makerspace the drawers, shelves, racks and trays and shop fittings might be worth putting in an offer for; they are useful in such an environment (they are not cheap to buy new either!)






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Forums Life Computers, Gadgets & Technology US : Radio Shack seems to be finally going tits up