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[username], what have you learnt today?

Forums The Vibe Chat [username], what have you learnt today?

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  • Think he’s talking crap my friend but maybe he isn’t. My money is on he is though.

    Meow might be coming back but not in the same way as when it was legal.

    The only thing even close released on mexerone whioch is 100% total inactive crap thwta vendors can’t even give away.

    @Gylfì Guðbjörnsson 974175 wrote:

    So, [username], what have you learnt today? Be it mind blowing, rather strange or just plain boring…..

    Today I’ve learnt how to make my own mods for ETS2, going to be making a new skin for my truck. woo.

    I’ve learned that being an asshole is much more preferable than being to everyone. I can’t keep trying to be there for everyone, do things for people, buy stuff for people…I need to start toughening up and just plain out learn to say NO. I need to be a bigger asshole than I already am and since I indulge in Astrology, being a Gemini, I am already a big asshole. So not too much work to be done.

    @slimshifty217 976562 wrote:

    I’ve learned that being an asshole is much more preferable than being to everyone. I can’t keep trying to be there for everyone, do things for people, buy stuff for people…I need to start toughening up and just plain out learn to say NO. I need to be a bigger asshole than I already am and since I indulge in Astrology, being a Gemini, I am already a big asshole. So not too much work to be done.

    Yousound like that’s exactly what you need to do y friend, almost sound slike people are beginning to take advantage of your kindness and decency :).

    @tryptameanie 976564 wrote:

    Yousound like that’s exactly what you need to do y friend, almost sound slike people are beginning to take advantage of your kindness and decency :).

    They are and they have been for YEARS. My parents feel sad for me because I don’t have a wide range of friends. My pets are my friends to be honest. People suck ass and they only talk to me when they want to talk about themselves or whine or cry. They don’t give a fuck about how I feel. And I have lots of feels – I’m Bipolar. I’ve dropped so many people out of my life within the past 6 months that I feel like a new person. I’ve had to turn on call forwarding this week just to get one of these bitches off my back. She calls me constantly at work when I’ve told her a dozen times to stop doing that. I work in customer service, I don’t have time to answer the phone and just listen to your fucking problems ya know?

    So here comes slimshifty, the all new asshole from the generation of 1990.

    @slimshifty217 976575 wrote:

    They are and they have been for YEARS. My parents feel sad for me because I don’t have a wide range of friends. My pets are my friends to be honest. People suck ass and they only talk to me when they want to talk about themselves or whine or cry. They don’t give a fuck about how I feel. And I have lots of feels – I’m Bipolar. I’ve dropped so many people out of my life within the past 6 months that I feel like a new person. I’ve had to turn on call forwarding this week just to get one of these bitches off my back. She calls me constantly at work when I’ve told her a dozen times to stop doing that. I work in customer service, I don’t have time to answer the phone and just listen to your fucking problems ya know?

    So here comes slimshifty, the all new asshole from the generation of 1990.

    Hey SlimShifty, :sign0100::sign0100::sign0100::sign0100::sign0100::sign0100::sign0100::sign0100::sign0100::sign0100::sign0100::sign0100::sign0100::sign0100:.

    Really sorry to hear that my friend, you genuinely sound like an awesome person I would e proud to call my friend. You are right, it can seem like almost the entirety of humanity are total bastards but I ca assure you not all of us are :).

    You have done right by getting rid of all those people who basically sounded to be using you and damn right, tell those mothafuckas direct, or tell em to ring me and I’ll tell those wankers for you 😉

    @tryptameanie 976579 wrote:

    Hey SlimShifty, :sign0100::sign0100::sign0100::sign0100::sign0100::sign0100::sign0100::sign0100::sign0100::sign0100::sign0100::sign0100::sign0100::sign0100:.

    Really sorry to hear that my friend, you genuinely sound like an awesome person I would e proud to call my friend. You are right, it can seem like almost the entirety of humanity are total bastards but I ca assure you not all of us are :).

    You have done right by getting rid of all those people who basically sounded to be using you and damn right, tell those mothafuckas direct, or tell em to ring me and I’ll tell those wankers for you 😉

    Hey thanks, you guys are the best on here. I did straight up tell them they made me feel like shit and I didn’t want to hang out with them anymore so ya know peace out. haha

    Today I learnt that I really cannot make skin mods……FML

    I honestly learned that it’s possible to get high off nutmeg but it’s also super easy to overdose on and you get super sick if you do get high off it

    @Gylfì Guðbjörnsson 976614 wrote:

    Today I learnt that I really cannot make skin mods……FML

    TBH in spite of having been involved with computers for 35 years including coding I confess I understand very little about modern computer games. A few years ago a young lad on here mentioned spending several hours on COD; and I asked in in perfect honesty “did you catch any?” (to be fair he does live in Felixstowe).

    The problem is your generation was never taught the basic principles of how computers and electronics work; how graphics appear on the screen etc even in 2 dimensions; and then you are faced with complex 3D games and/or 32 bit colour framebuffers which involve a shit ton of maths; to be fair computer science is slightly easier than pure maths as computers break down the difficult stuff into (fairly) simple arithmetic. I was having a similar discussion with Tryptameanie about this (and also some lads of the same age who work for me on some of the IT support).

    In the 1980s we were taught to at least code in BASIC (part invented by an American Nun (Sister Mary Keller BMV) who also researched computer generated patterns and graphics) and we often had to build our own gadgets and even modify electronics at component level.

    To be fair it is easier to learn this today – my late Professor friend (a part German/Dutch dude) explained that if you are faced with something that looks insanely complex; divide the processes into stages you do know something about; then work on learning each one and how they fit together – and soon you can deal with the whole system.

    today (or more correctly yesterday) I learned that if I cycle in Austria on the bike path I must keep below 30 km/h (presumably they have similar Fahrradkontrollen as DE)

    (3) Die Lenker von Fahrzeugen dürfen in Fahrradstraßen nicht schneller als 30km/h fahren. Radfahrer dürfen weder gefährdet noch behindert werden.

    TIL that it is better to use reclaimed wastewater piped to a powerplant to cool stuff than to pull directly from a watersource in most cases.

    Some people just do not think through the implacations of the stupid shot they suggect.

    Just to deliver on time.






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Forums The Vibe Chat [username], what have you learnt today?