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  • @smokemary 978086 wrote:

    Yea, think how advanced as a society or even the whole human race in general would be if we didn’t have religion holding use back!

    I am very each to their own and try my hardest not to judge but its hard to do that when youre having a convo with someone and they tell you straight faced that the story of Noah could and indeed did happen.

    The sex education programme from a Catholic University in Austria on EWTN DE did at least have some scientific logic to it but I found it difficult to keep a straight face as in the episode I watched the Professor was speaking to an audience of mostly middle aged folk (possibly high school teachers) every time he mentioned the more explicit subjects there was a fit of coughing from the audience; and whilst explaining the differences between various species and why it makes sense humans should pair for life said the optimum amount of Kinder a couple should raise was up to 20 (!)

    Not sure what the Austrian teens actually get taught but only 17% of AT is inhabited and they one of the lowest fertility rate of Europe…

    That’s a lot of riding, Jesus 20wiens! She’d be left with an extra large wizard sleeve lol

    Mental, I once asked the R.E. teacher if proforming a 69 was OK and she was abit taken back and said I’m sure God wouldn’t mind as long as you are in love and married lol, if I could go back I’d ask about shitting on someone’s chest just to see the look shed give me haha

    Nothing says I love you like a fresh steaming log on the solar plexis BAHAHAHA!!!!

    I didn’t mean to dislike your comment how do I change it lol

    Dunno man lol

    Hahaha that’s going to be my new party song, get everyone up ‘bombing’ or walk around like your knee capped lol

    It’s not like we had to read scriptures or anything just doing year or full school assembly at the end we all had to bow your heads in prayer and the likes, but to be fair the Jesus peeps sent as say mad as Scientologists lol mother fuckers are clean mental! Although I heard a rumor that their ‘profit’ or founder used LSD during his e meter sessions, yet they are completely against drugs lol mormans are also strange

    Today I’ve relearnt that I FUCKIN LOVE HIP HOP

    This tune is FUCKIN MILITANT

    @smokemary 978095 wrote:

    That’s a lot of riding, Jesus 20wiens! She’d be left with an extra large wizard sleeve lol[/quote]

    This sort of education may also explain why a great deal of AT and DE outside the cities is full of single childless women, often vegan feminists with either Christian or “New Age” (which are more correctly ancient Germanic) religious views who live amongst hundreds of Cats (coincidentally both Freya and the Virgin Mary although very different in their attitudes to sex are both credited with the power to make cats obey them)

    Some time during the 1970s the Germans changed the official term for a female cat from die Katze to die Kätzin (which even sounds catty!)

    This is from one of their guides to breeding cats


    this does make sense as he doesn’t actually want two at once; it knackers him out, spreads diseases and you don’t get any more Kittens.

    Elsewhere in the guide it says “the precocious Orientals can mate earlier with permission” (from the vet and some unspecified other folk (nuns / “new age” witches? – there are also similarities between both ) although these breeds (like their wild ancestors Prionailurus spp.) mate for life and the tomcat also helps raise the kittens..

    Wouldn’t even surprise me if they play this as “Verpaarungsmusik für den Katzenpaar” :laugh_at: (the German lyrics would be just right for such an event)

    A lot of mainland Europeans raise their cats as large extended families which has some advantages as they are better behaved, do not fight each other and trash gardens during territorial disputes.

    One another website about breeding cats one a Frau has added the warning “Achtung! Katzensex ist nicht romantisch!”

    There is an internet forum for everything

    God you’re right, my only question is “why?????” in 80% of cases.

    lol JUST 80%?

    I learned that I’m a sexual deviant…other than vanilla

    @Gylfì Guðbjörnsson 974175 wrote:

    So, [username], what have you learnt today? Be it mind blowing, rather strange or just plain boring…..

    Today I’ve learnt how to make my own mods for ETS2, going to be making a new skin for my truck. woo.

    i want to know how to use it

    @enna 123 978248 wrote:

    i want to know how to use it

    What exactly is it tou want to know?

    I learned how to remove the protection on PDF files that stops them being printed (I had downloaded a whole load of 1980s era electronics textbooks written for apprentices at DBP-Telekom in 1981 – for some odd reason you can download and read them but not print them; and the text is way too difficult to read on screen, even more so if German is not your first language.

    I’d hardly have thought there would be a black market for printed copies of this stuff; particularly as the spellings of many words have also changed since 1981 (even my dictionaries are old; so my German is probably like that of an Opa from Groningen / Kaptain Blaubär anyway).

    But I now have copies I can print; far more useful as the whole lot is aimed at a teenager the same age as I was when I got into drugs and partying and wasn’t quite as interested in studying; not as heavy reading as a uni textbook but not as dumbed down as study guides in English for UK teens are.

    have I commited Sin in taking these liberties with Die Telekom (yes, she is female)? Only a minor one (as my intentions are otherwise good) – but even if I confess to this in Purgatory I would most likely end up having to repair all the defective circuits especially in remote rural areas so would have to remember this list (it is everything that can go wrong with a telephone line)







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Forums The Vibe Chat [username], what have you learnt today?