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Watching the original Exorcist on acid?

Forums Drugs LSD & Other Psychedelic Drugs Watching the original Exorcist on acid?

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  • Amazing experience or incredibly bad idea?

    umm, not something I’d thought abput before,
    could go either way I guess :laugh_at:

    I think it’s the greatest idea in the history of the world. However whilst i think this, i think your mental well being would be severely affected afterwards. Let us know Mr Boothy if you try this!:weee:

    Watching the exorcist at any time is a bad idea, The film’s shit:wink:

    Why the fuck it was banned i don’t know.

    Southcaver wrote:
    Why the fuck it was banned i don’t know.

    I think cos the horny possessed girl rammed a cross into and up her happy place. Could be wrong tho. :crazy:

    DJCliffy wrote:
    I think cos the horny possessed girl rammed a cross into and up her happy place. Could be wrong tho. :crazy:

    lol, yea i suppose.

    DJCliffy wrote:
    I think cos the horny possessed girl rammed a cross into and up her happy place. Could be wrong tho. :crazy:

    That’s so freakin’ sad. Who the hell cares if she’s ramming her crotch with religious objects. If she wants to rip on christianity (pretty logical since she acts being possessed by a demon) then why not. Twist the age restriction up a notch if it’s “too offensive”, but for fuck’s sake quit the goddamn “you’re insulting my religion!” crap. It’s just a damn idea a load of people share. You can’t force it on anyone, or shouldn’t be allowed to at least, and you most certainly shouldn’t be allowed to put restrictions on other people’s life (like their right to choose which film they want to watch) based on your own bloody ideals. Goddamn hypocrite fundamentalist religious bastards.

    No personal offence, just frustrated by short-sighted fundamentalists and most of all religious governments 😉

    P.S.: Anyone suggesting a ban is in order for my post, think about the fact that these people want to ban drugs from this planet, and their users along with them.

    i dont think it’s to do with the object being a cross, more to do with the shoving up, tbh.

    remember, this is 1973 when this was made, when clockwork orange was majorly contorversial

    I was one year old when that film came out

    It did get cinema showings but was only banned briefly by the Thatcher govt for video release (this was in the early 1980s when video recorders and even tape was way expensive and it was easier to monitor and restrict sales)

    No personal offence, just frustrated by short-sighted fundamentalists and most of all religious governments 😉

    I don’t blame you as sadly these types are getting their power back with each day that passes

    As others have said Its not a particularly good movie – also the treatment of the actors (both male and female) by the director was actually fairly abusive (check the Wikipedia entry on it)

    (I do wonder if these directors actually act out their sick control fantasies and it happens to an extent in Hollywood today)

    if you want to watch it do so whilst you can (at least openly) as the way Europe is going it seems to be headed straight back to the 1970s but with a 21st century level of technology, surveillance and control..

    i dont think it’ll scare me as i’m atheist more than anythin

    so the whole religious possesion thing wont bother me

    kinda undermines the point of the movie.

    i’ve yet to find a so-called scary movie that is actually scary. they’re all just either gruesome or frankly hilarious. the scariest film i’ve ever seen is a japanese film, spirited away. that shit is weird.

    I think a dildo would of been more fitting as a cross is a bit dodgy innit. Each to their own i suppose!:wink:


    I found the Simpson’s a little bit hectik on Acid once

    No seriously, don’t laugh, I had to turn it off, it did my head in. But Beavis and Butthead ( this was when I was 16) was hillarious.

    Oh, the days of Microdots –

    Microdots, Microdots, where ‘art thou Microdots?

    boothy wrote:
    i dont think it’ll scare me as i’m atheist more than anythin

    so the whole religious possesion thing wont bother me

    kinda undermines the point of the movie.

    i’ve yet to find a so-called scary movie that is actually scary. they’re all just either gruesome or frankly hilarious. the scariest film i’ve ever seen is a japanese film, spirited away. that shit is weird.

    Spirited Away rocks. It’s a brilliant script, and the artworks is great as well. It’s already pretty hard to comprehend while being sober (it’s Japanese folklore about Gods and a divine bath house, and corruption and competition in the divine world, where everything is more acceptable than humans) and the totally different world it portrays is amazing. Try watching it under influence of reasonably mild psychedelics (a shitload of pot or less than a whole portion of mushrooms or something like that) and you’ll be in for a treat 😛

    P.S.: The movie contains smoking frogs! :weee:

    Hehe, I love watching ‘The Mighty Boosh’ on ketamine. Surrealness of the show + confusion from the K :laugh_at:

    doing acid and watching the exorcist wud be shit, not only wud u get bored on your 12 hour trip, u wud have to watch the film 4 0r 5 times until u had finished tripping, and by that time u wud have got VERY bored. U would trip until the film and it would just fry your head mate.:you_crazy






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Forums Drugs LSD & Other Psychedelic Drugs Watching the original Exorcist on acid?