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What 5 Foods to FIGHT Abdominal Fat?

Forums Life Food & Drink What 5 Foods to FIGHT Abdominal Fat?

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  • Surprisingly, some foods marketed as “healthy”, actually increase your stomach fat. Other foods, which people thought were unhealthy, actually assist the fat-burning process in your body. A few weird workouts in scientifically-based, burn belly fat faster than typical cardio.

    Save yourself from having the same phone call a million times and just post your amazing findings on here.

    FAIL – not even a valid Pakistan telephone number – which makes this spam even more pointless. :crazy:

    cheese is both nutritious, lovely and fat free 😉

    @Tank Girl 451146 wrote:

    cheese is both nutritious, lovely and fat free 😉

    hey tank girl. i don’t know where you get your info from, but cheese is high in saturated fat. it’s nutritious in that it has protein and calcium but there are much better sources for both of these. i know this is a spam or whatever, but if you want to lose weight its all about how much energy you burn compared to how much energy (food) you eat. if you burn more energy than you eat, your body will burn your fat reserves to meet the deficit. it has little to do with the type of food you are eating, but obviously, if you eat food that is low in calories you’ll have an easier target in terms of how much energy you’ll need to burn to exceed it. i saw a really nice insightful episode of horizon recently, all about research into exercise and food. is definitely worth a watch for anyone that likes to understand food, exercise and health. i learnt a lot from it.

    lol, just realised this is well old, oh well, you’re still the same people aren’t you?

    oh irony…lol

    @Tank Girl 451146 wrote:

    cheese is both nutritious, lovely and fat free 😉

    And wrong bow is also calorie free and sin free too!!

    It is amazing!!! it is so right how can it be wrong??

    @know_hope 471833 wrote:

    hey tank girl.

    lol, just realised this is well old, oh well, you’re still the same people aren’t you?

    Mate Cheese is the bollox and you will never ever convince me otherwise…..

    unless you have a gun or sum other scarey shit

    @know_hope 471833 wrote:

    hey tank girl.


    a heads up

    check what time i post -as if it isl ate I’m usually pissed and chatting shit 🙂 ask Daft — err Shaft……

    It’s true TG chats shit. :laugh_at:

    JOKE OFC! :love:

    @edifier 451130 wrote:

    Surprisingly, some foods marketed as “healthy”, actually increase your stomach fat. Other foods, which people thought were unhealthy, actually assist the fat-burning process in your body. A few weird workouts in scientifically-based, burn belly fat faster than typical cardio.

    With regards to the OP …

    There’s no such food what can reduce “abdominal fat” as such. We don’t loose fat in one place at a time, we loose it over our whole body at the same time. This is why all of them “belly fat destroyer” workouts are also bullshit as yes they are working the ab’s, but just working the abs is probably one of the least effective ways of loosing fat! Isolating any one muscle group is purely for building the muscle in that area ALONE and has no other real benefits.

    If you’re looking at the best way to loose fat from everywhere on your body you need to research something called “after-burn” effect. Basically it’s intense burst cardio mixed with heavy compound weight lifting which uses several muscle groups at the same time (say 5/6 at a time). Doing this kinda intense excersize with the right diet will increase your metabolism massively. Normaly people will just do stuff like running or eating less which wont work very well.

    Let me start with why extreme dieting will not make you loose any weight in the long run (and starving yourself will only make you very ill). When you eat a lot less your body figures there’s come kinda food shortage so goes into what I call “survival mode” and although you’ll immediately start loosing weight … by the time a month has gone past your body would now be trying to store every thing possible as it’s not getting the food it needs and we store stuff as fat (this is a direct result of your metabolism crashing through the floor). you’ll platue after a few weeks then gradually put the weight back on. (this time scale sound familiar to anyone who’s ever dieted?).

    The ONLY diet you need when trying to loose weight (and this has to be done with a lot of intense cardio and heavy weight lifting to be properly effective) is to eat healthy with low GI carbs and protine and veg etc. and ofc low fat. You’re aiming to be eating about 250-500 Kcal (or 250-500 food calories) less then the recommended daily intake for your gender/age weight etc. any less and it’ll have the reverse effect then what you want. Always try and plan your work outs so that your next protein including meal is within the hour after you finish excersizing, this is because you muscles will need the food most then and within that hour you get a added bonus (50%) to the muscle fule regain that you’ll not get if you leave it to long to eat (it has something to do with the glycogen in your muscles getting replaced optimally, but i’ll not go into this now as it’s not really important to explain). You’ll be wanting roughly 0.5g of carbs per Lb of body weight (give or take 0.1/0.2 as it varies from person to person) and protein at roughly a ratio of 2:1 (2 part carbs 1 part protine).

    If you’re eating healthy and right, and doing loads of excersize like the type I’ve described (and don’t do the excersizes without knowing how, go out and actually look at how they should be done properly and find out a safe amount of each, as over excersizing can be just as bad as not excersizing, even worse as you can injur your self and still end up not being able to excersize for weeks), your body will need all the nrg it can get from the food you ate and need slightly more. because you’re working so hard you body will stop telling it’s self to store fat (this is your metabolism rising), as it needs every last drop of food you’ve put in you to fuel the muscles . Because you are eating slightly less then the RDA of calories and doing this kind of excersize, you body will replace them missing calories that it needs by burning off your fat. And don’t be tricked into thinking … well i’ll eat even less calories … cos don’t forget .. you eat much less and your body will store what it’s eating rather then burn it and the fat you already have, you’ll just be too weak to work out properly, and even if you force yourself to work out your body will most likely start eating the muscles as opposed to the fat because of your low metabolism where you’re not eating enough (unless you have a high metabolism you body will eat muscle for nrg before fat as it’s an easier source of energy to use!)

    The reason running isn’t the best at burning fat is because it literally only burns fat whilst you’re doing your excersize, where as doing excersize designed to spark the afterburn effect will burn calories for upto 48 hours after you stop doing the excersize as your metabolism will be through the roof. 😉 You might even find that you need to eat MORE then you normally do because you are burning so much off! (this really does depend on how hard you’re training and how much you already eat ofc)

    I garentee you this info I’ve given is at worce the same, or most likely a fuck of a lot better and more accurate then what ever the OP was going to try and sell you.

    And you get it all for free 😉

    p.s. if there’s any part of this that someone doesn’t understand, would like to know more about or disagrees with just drop me a PM and I’d be happy to explain it in more detail, or just post a reply here or something.

    Your body burns more calories processing celery than it ingests.

    However, celery tastes like shit.

    sorry you get 100% muscle fule regain if you eat within the hour after training (in the study people who didn’t eat within the hour had 50% less muscle fule regen, which means that if you eat in the hour you get twice as much as normal what equates to 100% gain)

    bollocks nothing fights fat except not eating as many calories as you burn, and certainly nothing fights fat in different places.

    @Clusterfrog 471929 wrote:

    bollocks nothing fights fat except not eating as many calories as you burn, and certainly nothing fights fat in different places.

    is that aimed at my post? or the op?






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Forums Life Food & Drink What 5 Foods to FIGHT Abdominal Fat?