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What are other psychonauts opinions on drinking alcohol whilst tripping?

Forums Drugs Alcohol What are other psychonauts opinions on drinking alcohol whilst tripping?

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  • Ive been taking psychdelics for about 4 years now and nearly all the time i drink alcohol on them as i think it loosens the mood and makes the trip more fun and giggly etc but recently ive been going through some rough personal issues and i havent tripped properly in a good few months and im planning on tripping very soon but im going in with the mindset of learning more about myself and trying to straighten out a bit and come to terms with some things that have happened, basically i want to have a profound spiritual trip and most likely it’ll be on 4-aco, i just wanted to know what other peoples opinions would be for set and setting etc for this kind of trip eg should i do it alone with some music or just a close friend? also in general what are peoples opinions on drinking alcohol whilst tripping, do you think it takes away an important part of the experience? and what sort of set and settings do other people prefer for high dose trips?

    never found drinking did much when i was on acid to be honest. as for set and setting just be somewhere away from people who don’t understand what you’re going through. other than that the more difficult the experience the more change i find i get out of it so maybe a difficult setting is good?

    yeh i dont want everyone else to be giggling and doing the normal sillyish stuff that alot of people do on trips, i really want to learn something good from this one and I’ don’t know whether to try and go for ego death or not because sometimes when i get ego death i cant remember much and it feels like a bit of a waste of a high dose

    i never forget tryptamine ego death, it always leaves a deep memory in me. maybe try meditating, visualising what you wish to change etc

    I’ve always found alcohol [too] enjoyable and a good mix with things, but health wise it’s not good. I suppose if you’re anxious normally it might help avoid worrying too much and having a bad trip on psychedelics but a good environment will help that. But if you want to have a profound trip for that reason I wouldn’t recommend it – it’s an idealistic view that unfortunately is not true, if you really want to learn more about yourself do it straight and put yourself in a new situation like travelling somewhere unknown or take up a new hoby with completely new people – you’ll learn a lot more and it will be genuine






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Forums Drugs Alcohol What are other psychonauts opinions on drinking alcohol whilst tripping?