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Forums Drugs What Drugs Have You Taken Today [username]?

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  • @The Psyentist 519999 wrote:

    Yeah I was thinking as THC is fat soluble how much THC does Gaz actually have stored in his bacon fat coated body?!

    quite a lot. will definitely be a very extreme detox if he managed 2 months off weed!! that did wonders to my life, i quit pretty much weed completely. i smoke so rarely man and i’m round it a lot

    @p0ly 520002 wrote:

    quite a lot. will definitely be a very extreme detox if he managed 2 months off weed!! that did wonders to my life, i quit pretty much weed completely. i smoke so rarely man and i’m round it a lot

    I envy your position. Really want to quit but as the doctors have yet to find a medication that stabilises me the way weed does that’s my vice. Looking into cbt though and going private. NHS takes the piss and I’ve basically just been a guinea pig last couple of years whilst I’ve been a trial and error experiment

    That’s so true p0ly!
    I used to blame my lack of motivation, confidence etc. on meph but it really isn’t.. even after 2 weeks i’ve felt a massive improvement when abstaining from weed.
    When your a habitual weed user life without weed seems stupid.. once you’ve stopped for a week or 2 life with weed seems stupid..

    My life got a lot better when I quit weed I cant recommend it highly enough. Even if you think its the only thing helping you through mental health or other problems in life its only when you stop you realise it was perpetuating them.

    Indeed.. i thought meph caused my anxiety but since its coming up to 4 weeks i know its not. When i quit weed for 2 weeks i felt much more confident and motivated etc. like my old self.
    Do feel much better without the meph though so this has just inspired me to stop weed, day 2 of not being a bong fiend.

    This^ :crazy_dru:crazy_diz:love:

    @WickLeWood 520322 wrote:

    This^ :crazy_dru:crazy_diz:love:

    I’m not going to lie. Before I’d scrolled far enough down to see the bowl of the bong that looked like a massive cock lol.


    2-Oxo-L-threo-hexono-1,4-lactone-2,3-enediol. Mad shit.

    @pyɔross. 520331 wrote:

    2-Oxo-L-threo-hexono-1,4-lactone-2,3-enediol. Mad shit.

    Yeah mate, Vitamin C is well mental.
    I dose mine by orange juice wbu?

    Also like to get on the orange juice, sometimes I push the boat out a bit and have cereal with milk too.

    Mentalist.. last time i tried cereal with milk i blacked out and woke up in a bed next to a fat bird, never again.

    @The Psyentist 520326 wrote:

    I’m not going to lie. Before I’d scrolled far enough down to see the bowl of the bong that looked like a massive cock lol.


    more smoke caffeine and diaz.

    Caffeine, sugar, alcohol, codeine






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Forums Drugs What Drugs Have You Taken Today [username]?