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What Drugs Have You Taken Today [username]?

Forums Drugs What Drugs Have You Taken Today [username]?

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  • Smokey tokey

    EEveryones left.about ten remain there was at least 2 sitters drinking,no worries im glad were only doing this once a month tickets r expensive n meeting in far awnite tim j beck ir nan love hu.girlay cities.very top shef gear.if he .boggroffers.jump.ill.c i for dinner.t

    U asshole.cach me on the gonna toke deemsteer a coyple more pffs.cant breakthrough now exhasted.m
    Ultamatly will sleep milltownimdolazam xannax barvs if needeslkeepd vonnon.

    I know ur out j but thanx loveuhottie.if u an her dont workout.lolsweetdreams it’s Liz u no xoxo.if u want.goodnite sweetheart i May habe been Rollin but we know its gunna happen.luve.. U k h B-) u knowgoodnit sexy call

    stay away from stay awayfromafrica, I find it hard to believe you have consumed so much in one session.

    When there are little braincells to destroy, treasure them.
    Some people shouldn’t be taking drugs

    @Izbeckistan 511926 wrote:

    When there are little braincells to destroy, treasure them.
    Some people shouldn’t be taking drugs

    Seriously, I’m not an anti-drug protester or anything, but they should preach that sh!t to school children! ^^

    Though I Have heard that the destruction of brain cells from cannabis/alcohol abuse is just a Myth,
    I can remember being told they won’t actually permanently kill any brain cells but might stop them from growing normally, (hence the reason cannabis and other drugs are at there most dangerous during the brain development years.) Could be wrong though…

    you never take opiates yet you said you dosed 27mg subutex. that’s the biggest lie ever. why is this guy still allowed to spam the forum?

    The mods are on to it, I think.

    Phenetylamines have nothin’ on the Tryptamines. 😉

    Booze and Weed. On a health conscious chemical diet at the min, haahahah! :love:

    none, unless a blueberry muffin somehow counts lol
    I have bud- 2gs I’m not even touching until I no longer feel like I’m drowning

    Liket his one

    Subutex is a opiate [/partialU]antogonist/togonist that binds at the mu opiate receptor an .binding to all 3 but activating just the mu,,if full semisynthetic opiate like heroin is used,with the buph,,u will b thrown into immediate withdrawl.although buph as a angelisic is 40x more potent than morphine.since buph dosent activate the kappa or delta receptors little euphoria is felt.subutex is amazingly hard to get off.buph tables at 32mgs/day.its not to b taken recreational.ive found its easier to get down to 2mgs a day.after that prepar a solution,of .25mg per ml. the withdrawal is similer in length an intensity as methedone.on that note ivebeen sleeping for 18hrs..drugs used today sat caffiene,5htp,subutex 4mgs,kush.,alprolazam,diazepam and if my head wont stop banging maybe a half cap of .scoop.last nite i took 2ci30mg,2ce deemster but pppl at my housse took all kinds of shit. i dont know their drugs.but i do know their was bad trips ppl that took heroic doses of dried p.azuris shrooms to many ppl at my place -i was told that cops came.but they turned all lights off.i havs a big House in plymoth Michigan so i was out of it,and my phone was past it was subjective,ppl from diff races,different upbri.gins,males, i canf take resposibility for ither ppl posting on my phone.n my brain is thumpin so in gonna take Al n Motrin goodnite All

    I only too 2ci,2ce,dee xinluo005@xinluotrade.comi had a party i took 2ci2ce,deemster an cannibus my phone was past around i dont know who or what others took.i slept for 18 hours so im Lil fuzzy






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Forums Drugs What Drugs Have You Taken Today [username]?