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What is Cocaine?

Forums Drugs Cocaine & Crack What is Cocaine?

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  • Nice try mr policeman.

    is it wise to finnish the session on drink or snowy?

    you finish the session on xanax and wake up hangover free! i wouldnt touch a line with out xanax ever, the misery is just to much!

    @bobulater 356399 wrote:

    any1 in manchester hook me up with some

    you should hook up with ma girl drone

    @p0ly 357317 wrote:

    you should hook up with ma girl drone

    Cocaine is seriously very dangerous. We must avoid this drug…


    ^^^^ So we should avoid cocaine and do all the generic drugs you’re selling?


    (if the above post is deleted the fella was selling fake Viagra, Just so you know i haven’t gone mental!!)

    Hello all, just looking for some advice really……….

    Firstly, let me explain my background – I’m 35 and come from a background where my parents & brother would openly use drugs (hash mainly but also ectasy, coke, occasionally)…plus the majority of my friends would also, some regularly/heavily, some occasionally and it has never really bothered me….personally, I’ve never really been interested and only ever use alcohol & caffeine, which I view as drugs iun any case. I am not scared or freaked out by the thought of anything else, I just really have no interest….and even now, my alcohol usage is dropping.

    I have never minded or objected to anyone using “illegal” drugs around me and have always been of the mindset that it would be hypocritical of me to be an alcohol user and to object to anyone using anything else, if you get me.

    However it is worth noting that over the last few years I have started to take my physical health, diet and fitness a lot more seriously, which I’m really happy about etc, which has led to my alcohol usage dropping quite a bit, as I mention above.

    Anyway, I’ve been seeing this girl who is 30 and its going really well, we have a lot in common and am generally very happy together and I really love her in so many ways – however, for some reason, whenever she does coke (which is only occasionally), for some reason I really don’t like it….and I’m really disturbed as to WHY I don’t like it….I don’t understand why it bothers me so and I’m annoyed with myself for feeling like it and I need to understand and resolve this.

    She is not difficult to be with when on coke (unlike some people lol) and doesn’t appear to have a problem with it at all………..

    This is the first relationship I’ve had with someone who uses drugs and I feel like I’m being a real hypocrite……..if I’m ok with friends/family using them, why does it bother me that my girlfriend does?

    I don’t feel “left out” (despite her saying it would be “nice” if it was something we could share together) but when I see her doing them something in me is slightly repelled from being with her……it’s like intellectually I don’t have an issue with it but on some emotional level I have this bad feeling that I don’t want to feel….and seeing her the next day with a dribbling nostril just made me feel sick and not want to kiss her or anything

    I don’t want her to change herself for me or deny her self….but at the same time….I feel like if we’re to have a future together (which we talk about….living together, maybe even having kids etc) I honestly feel like I wouldn’t want my longterm partner and possible mother of my children to be a drug user. And I know thats unfair and unreasonable……..:-(

    It’s worth noting that I served jury service on a high profile 6 month murder trial where a man was killed in cold blood in front of his wife and toddler over money & drugs etc……..that involved multiple coke dealers which resulted in some pretty nasty details of the background of what can go on in the cocaine world…..and I wonder if this has affected me on some level – like now I know the “darker” side of it all and what can go wrong etc

    Has anyone got any advice or perspective that may help me? I want to understand WHY I feel like this & what I can do to change/accept it….


    this is a tough one but i think people would feel differently to their partner over their family members. you only seem to be annoyed by it because you care. i think you should explain to her how you feel and mention that you feel hipocrital and i’m sure she is nice/intelligent enough to understand you are only looking out for her.

    Hi there CBF,

    I’m sure it’s nothing to do with the trial you were a juror on… as she’s in a completely different environment I’m sure.

    IMO it has to have something to do with the fact that you both get on very well, and perhaps this is an emotional thorn in the shoe that “doesn’t fit” with your idyllic, Utopian relationship. Now that’s not to say how you are feeling is wrong at all. But it is something that I think you should tolerate (suck it up fella) cos I’m convinced she’ll stop using when she’s not in an environment that is conducive to take more. Chat to her, but I wouldn’t tell her you want her to stop. In fact I’m not entirely sure I’d even chat to her about it… I’d just keep the partly line of “not wanting any for me thanks”.

    I only base my suggestions on my wife’s behavior when I used to smoke a lot of green. She didn’t make it awkward for me when I smoked, but didn’t herself. Took all the fun out of it! Bitch Joke babe if you’re reading

    Good luck fella, I hope you find what you need 😉

    drug users and non drug users are not meant to be together

    @Iacchus 364403 wrote:

    drug users and non drug users are not meant to be together

    they both use drugs :laugh_at:

    but i think if it’s getting to you that much then you should definitely speak to her about it. you seem like the kind of guy that’s worth making happy over something as shit as cocaine.

    @p0ly 364406 wrote:

    you seem like the kind of guy that’s worth making happy over something as shit as cocaine.

    indeed :you_crazy

    She’ll thank you in the long run.

    I’m a great believer in substitutes. Give up a long term substance by substituting for another. once you’re over the original substance it’s easier to give up the second substance as it’s had less time to become a dependence. It worked for me with tobacco and weed. Now I’ve just gotta get over the H and Crack *JOKE*

    Prolly not a good idea to substitute with something more addictive or expensive tho’

    Maybe don’t take any advice of mine. You sound like you’re an intelligent fella, just don’t over analyze.

    You either Love her Enough… or you don’t

    Thanks for thoughts everyone, some things to ponder there….

    Do I even WANT her to stop using it? I’m not sure I do….she seems to enjoy it and have fun….and I love to see her happy….is that any different than, for instance, me enjoying the occasional pissed Rock Band session with a few mates? No…so whats my problem?? Maybe I’m not as open-minded as I wish/think I am….I dunno….

    Another thought is that I don’t really like the way it impinges on our next day….I’m lucky enough to not need a lot of sleep and rarely if ever suffer hangovers….so I can be up early-ish the next day after a big night and enjoy a run or game of squash etc….but inevitably she cannot…and that sort of active healthy lifestyle is the sort of future I want for me and my partner…..

    Overanalyse? Dude I analyze EVERYTHING, its in my nature!! 😉

    Keep the thoughts coming people it really helps….I’m sure I/we will work it out…..






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Forums Drugs Cocaine & Crack What is Cocaine?